Petition for the retraction of the Proclamation about Turkey, by Alabama Governor Siegelman

"The Armenians are not the only subject people in Turkey which have suffered from this policy of making Turkey exclusively the country of the Turks. The story which I have told about the Armenians I could also tell with certain modifications about the Greeks and the Syrians. Indeed the Greeks were the first victims of this nationalizing idea."
Henry Morgenthau, 1918 - Ambassador of the USA in Turkey. 

"This process of extermination was carried on over a considerable period of time, with fixed purpose, with system, and with painstaking minute details; and it was accomplished with unspeakable cruelties, causing the destruction of a greater number of human beings than have suffered in any similar persecution since the coming of Christ."
George Horton, 1926 - Consul General of the USA in Smyrna.

Another 233 quotes from historical documents written by witnesses of the Hellenic Genocide can be found at: 
The Hellenic Genocide
Quotes from historical documents and related Photos.


Governor Siegelman,
cc: Senators,Congressmen and press of Alabama

We, the undersigned, deplore the support given by you to revisionists of History and to Turkish organizations who have succeeded in having you sign a proclamation filled with misrepresentations of History that trample every sense of truth.

The proclamation of August 30th, a "Remembrance Day of the Turkish tragedy in Asia Minor" is an insult to the memory of millions of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks who were ruthlessly tortured and massacred in the Genocides perpetrated by the different Turkish governments before, during and after the World War I.

Although regretful, this error can still be corrected. Persisting in letting the State of Alabama be used to cover up crimes against humanity even being aware of the real facts would be much worse.

History will not exempt any individual, organization or government that ever tries to deny or minimize the crimes that not only can be compared with the crimes of the Nazis during the World War II but that greatly encouraged and facilitated them.

We therefore strongly request, in the interest of historical truth and decency, the revision or retraction of your inaccurate proclamation which damages U.S. foreign policy interests and would represent an unforgivable offense not only to the past and present victims of the crimes perpetrated by the Turks but to the entire humanity as well.


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