UN Mission website

Macedonian authorities blocked the web-page on UN Mission website because it was published under the reference FYROM and demanded the name Macedonia to be used instead.

Diplomatic sources confirmed for Vreme that Macedonian mission informed UN technical services in New York that provided the demand is not accepted, Macedonia will no longer use their services for web administration and will develop new web site hiring commercial provider.

According to the UN procedures, technical secretariat is responsible for developing web sites in accordance with missions’ demands. In the early years of establishing of the Macedonian mission, the web site had been published under the name Macedonia, which was changed into FYROM. Diplomatic sources think that such change was initiated from the intervention of the Greek diplomacy lobby. Sources state that according to the usual procedures UN member states decide on the presentation of their missions while technical secretariat is responsible only for providing technical support and web site administration, and not for determining how our country should be named. That is the reason why Macedonian authorities ask secretariat through its system to provide promotion of the web site under the name Macedonia.

Still there is no reply from the UN services whether the demand will be accepted. But it is certain that if there is a negative reply, Macedonian authorities will no longer use UN system, but the promotion will be entrusted to commercial organizations. Recently, Greek community in USA asked UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, to change the mission’s e-mail address and to use FYROM instead of Macedonia.