The Hellenic Genocide
Quotes from historical documents and related Photos.

Before and After
Page 2 of 2.

The House of the Hellenic Soldier in Smyrna: before the fire.
The House of the Hellenic Soldier in Smyrna: before the fire.
The House of the Hellenic Soldier in Smyrna: after the fire.
The House of the Hellenic Soldier in Smyrna: after the fire.
The quay of Smyrna: before the fire.
The quay of Smyrna: before the fire.
The quay of Smyrna: during the fire.
The quay of Smyrna: during the fire.
The quay of Smyrna full of people: before the fire.
The quay of Smyrna full of people: before the fire.
The quay of Smyrna full of people: during the fire.
The quay of Smyrna full of people: during the fire.
The Sporting Club of Smyrna: before the fire.
The Sporting Club of Smyrna: before the fire.
The Sporting Club of Smyrna: after the fire.
The Sporting Club of Smyrna: after the fire.
The US Consulate in Smyrna: before the fire.
The US Consulate in Smyrna: before the fire.
The US Consulate in Smyrna: after the fire.
The US Consulate in Smyrna: after the fire.
The Hellenic hospital of Aidinion: before its destruction.
The Hellenic hospital of Aidinion: before its destruction.
The Hellenic hospital of Aidinion: after its destruction.
The Hellenic hospital of Aidinion: after its destruction.

The Hellenic Genocide
Quotes from historical documents and related Photos.

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© 2001-2003 HEC and Roberto Lopes. Updated on 07 April 2003.