The Hellenic Genocide
Quotes from historical documents and related Photos.

Handbook of WAR Facts and Peace Problems
Arthur L. Frothingham


"Civilian Casualties (Rough Estimate).

(Massacred, Died of Hunger, Exposure and Disease)

Armenians in Turkey 1,100,000
Greeks in Turkey 900,000"


"The Committee for Armenian and Syrian relief places the number of Armenians, Greeks, Jews, and Syrians massacred by the Turks at a total of about 4,100,000."

The Treaty of Sèvres

The Treaty of Sèvres:

"Whereas, in view of the terrorist regime which has existed in Turkey since November 1, 1914, conversions to Islam could not take place under normal conditions, no conversions since that date are recognised and all persons who were non-Moslems before November 1, 1914, will be considered as still remaining such, unless, after regaining their liberty, they voluntarily perform the necessary formalities for embracing the Islamic faith."

The Treaty of Sèvres:

"In order to repair so far as possible the wrongs inflicted on individuals in the course of the massacres perpetrated in Turkey during the war, the Turkish Government undertakes to afford all the assistance in its power or in that of the Turkish authorities in the search for and deliverance of all persons, of whatever race or religion, who have disappeared, been carried off, interned or placed in captivity since November 1, 1914."

The Treaty of Sèvres:

"The Turkish Government solemnly undertakes to facilitate to the greatest possible extent the return to their homes and re-establishment in their businesses of the Turkish subjects of non-Turkish race who have been forcibly driven from their homes by fear of massacre or any other form of pressure since January 1, 1914."

The Treaty of Sèvres:

"The Turkish Government undertakes to hand over to the Allied Powers the persons whose surrender may be required by the latter as being responsible for the massacres committed during the continuance of the state of war on territory which formed part of the Turkish Empire on August 1, 1914."

The Treaty of Sèvres:

"In the event of the League of Nations having created in sufficient time a tribunal competent to deal with the said massacres, the Allied Powers reserve to themselves the right to bring the accused persons mentioned above before such tribunal, and the Turkish Government undertakes equally to recognise such tribunal."

Shall This Nation Die?
Rev. Joseph Naayem, O.I.


"By ' Christians of the Orient " we mean all the Catholic and" Orthodox " followers of Christ in European Turkey, together with those who are scattered throughout Anatolia, Syria, Armenia and Mesopotamia. Before the war the Christians in the East, inclusive of the Greeks' numbered over three millions. During the last two years two millions of these have been massacred by the Turks, or have perished in misery during deportation. Most of the survivors are condemned to dire want, and many, if not assisted, will die during the coming winter."

Italy And The World War
Thomas Nelson Page


"They might have been content to wait under the old régime until it rotted to its fall, but the accession to Power of the Young Turks had changed the situation radically. These exhibited much more energy and determination, but were not a whit more modern or liberal than their predecessors. If anything, they were more repressive. Instead of putting through the long-expected Reforms in Macedonia, they had definitely abandoned the promised policy, and the persecution of the Christian subjects had been so atrocious as to inflame the people of Greece and Bulgaria, of whom the population for the most part had originally formed elements."

The Hellenic Genocide
Quotes from historical documents and related Photos.

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© 2001-2003 HEC and Roberto Lopes. Updated on 07 April 2003.
Sis to Mardin.
Sis to Mardin.

Tents of Christians being deported.
Tents of Christians being deported.

Afion Karahissar burned by the Kemalist forces.
Afion Karahissar burned by the Kemalist forces.

Armenian woman and her child. Victims of forced starvation.
Armenian woman and her child. Victims of forced starvation.

Smyrna on fire, from a distance.
Smyrna on fire, from a distance.

The Saint Antonios Hospital.
The Saint Antonios Hospital.

Turkish government. Murderers of three nations, at least.
Turkish government. Murderers of three nations, at least.

Church of Saints Constantine and Helene.
Church of Saints Constantine and Helene.

The front of a burnt Hellenic home.
The front of a burnt Hellenic home.

Destroyed graves at the cemetery of Sisli.
Destroyed graves at the cemetery of Sisli.