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HEC is non-profit, non-political, electronic organization.
To continue our  important mission, HEC is asking you or your company for a sponsorship!


We are a group of internet experts and we have established a non-profit, non-political electronic organization by the name Hellenic Electronic Center (HEC). Visit our home at: www.Greece.org.

Our main objective is to provide free Electronic services to Hellenic non-profit associations focusing to cultural and education aspects. In addition we provide technical know how for various Hellenic projects which promote Hellenism. Some of those are Poseidon, Hellas List and others which you will find in our page.

The objective of this letter is to invite you to join the temporary advisory committee of HEC. That committee will help promote, finance, invite Hellenic non-profit associations and unify the Associate Members of HEC, in other words, it will act as the backbone of the Center.

The only qualification required is willingness to contribute a few electronic hours per month to this magnificent project by the name HEC. We have spent already two years working on the foundation of HEC. During this time we accumulated enough experience to know how to utilize the services of Internet for the benefit of Hellenism.

In these difficult times, Hellenism needs your help. We hope that your reply will be positive.


The AC is divided into subcommittees.

Every member of the advisory committee has to be a member of one or more of these subcommittees.

To become a member you should send a brief vitae to HEC directors, they will vote and they will advise you about their decision. After this procedure you will be able to communicate with the rest of the advisory committee.

We would be glad to answer any other questions you may have about the AC.


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