Project Aristotle

Currently there is no cooperation whatsoever between HSAs. May be in some instances, if schools are close together there may be some interaction. Here we are talking about a large number, may be about 100, such HSAs to try to bring them close and have some form of interaction.

There is no question that we are facing a monumental task. The good news is that we have taken the first step and HEC is here to help you organize this undertake. HEC has the experience, expertise, know how, and the resources to help achieve the goals we are going to set. For almost two years now, HEC has united and organized tens of people to work as volunteers on projects for the good of Hellenism. Now it is time the Hellenic Student Associations from all over the world to join together under the spirit of cooperation, goodwill, and for the benefit of all.

What HEC will offer:

  1. Organize the HEC-WHSA
  2. Utilize the students to help on Hellenistic projects as those sponsored by HEC.
  3. Offer web space if needed.
  4. Could be the umbrella of the WHSA, since HEC is a registered non-profit organization.
  5. Could offer money in form of scholarships.

How we start:

  1. Initiate the dialog **DONE**
  2. Make the initial roster **DONE**
  3. Mailing list hec-whsa **DONE**
  4. A DRAFT of a plan/procedures/guidelines (working on it).
  5. Subscription to the hec-whsa list acknowledging participation.
  6. Commitment. We need DOers, not lookers.
  7. Brainstorm session with the theme: HEC-WHSA projects/needs/goals.
  8. Identify viable tasks based on brainstorming.
  9. Set-up Committees/Subcommittees and assign tasks.
  10. Identify rules and guidelines for new HSAs who want to join HEC-WHSA
  11. Think Big, long term plan. Work to make WHSA a legitimate Worldwide Hellenic Student Organization.


  1. Such a united body can have unlimited potentials.
  2. Member students who are studying on the same discipline could help themselves..
  3. Sense of worthiness of doing something good for Hellenism.

HEC's Education projects:

Take Action:

To become part of this project, send a mail to register your name to the hec-whsa mailing list from your "primary" e-mail account, as follows:

send mail to:
content of mail: subscribe whsa FirstName LastName - UniversityName

Current Members: People/Mailing-list, and HSAs

The road up and the road down is one and the same. (Heraclitus of Ephesus 470BC)


Copyright © 1997 HEC. All rights reserved. Last updated 13-Mar-97