To: Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman
From: Alexandra Zouncourides, Massachusetts, USA
Date: 7.Sep.2001


It is admirable that a US statesman wishes to build ties with the people of foreign countries, as well as build ties within his community of those people stemming from foreign countries.

Unfortunately, your proclamation of the Day of Remembrance of the Tragedies of Citizens of Asia Minor and the Independence Day of the Republic of Turkey has caused a lot of turmoil within the Greek American community. We acknowledge that your intentions were good in nature, however, this proclamation has adverse effects your relationship with Greek and Armenian Americans.

This proclamation places you in a political position that is similar in nature to supporting Hitler and the SS. It is common knowledge that not all German people were supportive of the atrocities Hitler committed and therefore, we are sensitive to the German people because of this. However, Hitler's acts were condemned in whole by the world and I don't believe America or any state has not proclaimed a "Day of Remembrance of the Tragidies of the Citizens of United Germany". On the contrary, America has acknowledged the tragedies committed against the Jewish people and today we see many memorial sites in their honor.

In parallel, not all Turkish people were behind the genocide of the Greek and Armenian people, and we should remain sensitive to the individuals or decendants of this country.

Moreover, I understand that you may want to recognize the support Turkey has provided America. This is appropriate since you are a statesman of this country and may have a strong Turkish consituency in your State. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to acknowledge a tragedy where the oppressors were portrayed as the victims. If you intend to remember the tragedies of the citizens of Asia Minor, I highly recommed that you remember those who were brutally misfortunate under the hands of the Turkish Government in Asia Minor. Otherwise, please retract your proclamation containing inaccurate information.

Yours truly,
Alexandra Zouncourides

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