To: Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman
From: Capt. Evangelos Rigos, New York, USA
Date: 3.Sep.2001

Governor Siegelman,

Let us a assume for a moment that you are my grand father.

Your name is George Garyfalakis, you have a wife, a house, and 5 children all the way from 2 to 13 years of age - two boys and three girls. You live in Smyrna and the time is September 1922. All the years of your life you have done nothing wrong to the Turks and in reality you work with them, you drink with them you eat with them and you enjoy life together since you were born.

One night, some Turkish soldiers knock your door and they want to take you away to kill you. The wife throws herself between the soldiers and you. Your children start screaming "Please don't kill our father". The soldiers maybe are good people but they follow the orders of the State of Turkey. The order is "kill at least 5 Christians." Why? Because they are Christians.

The soldiers do their duty. They knock the wife away, they throw the kids to the floor and they take you away to kill you together with another 3/4 millions Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians. No, the Genocide was not done over a night but over a lot of years In reality, they do not kill you. They do not want to waste bullets. They walk you for days, weeks, months with no foot, no water until you body cannot take it any more and you drop dead. I wish I was there to see how you felt. Read Not Even My Name by Thea Halo and you will get an idea.

Your wife, takes the children and in panic goes to the docks of Smyrna where she finds herself among 300.000 other Christians and between the burning Smyrna and the Aegean Sea.

People are screaming, Turks are raping young girls, man are taken away for the "death marches", women are throwing themselves into the sea and disappear under the water and the glorious navy ships of US, England, France, Japan, Italy play music to kill the desperate noise of 300.000 women and children. Total CHAOS. At the end an American by the name Asa Jennings comes with 25 Greek Navy ships and take your family to Greece. You Mr. Siegelman, my grandfather, are lost forever and no one hears what happened to you.

The years are passing. Your wife see her children having their own children and before she pass away she even see grand children who immigrate to United States and become American Citizens.

Now here comes the question Mr. Governor. How this wife, the children, the grand children, you whole family feels about the Turks who killed their husband, father, grandfather?

Hate of course is your answer.

You are wrong Mr. Governor. I grew up among these refugees. I have never hear any Greek, Armenian, Assyrian hating the Turks.

In the reverse. They are Christians and they want to forgive them for what they did to 3/4 millions of Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians. This is what Christ have teach them. They want to get over the Turkish Genocide and forget about it. But how can they forgive when there is not acceptance of the Genocide by the Turks? How can they forgive when people like you, the Governor of Alabama, comes and places the killers in the same level with the victims?

Mr. Governor, here comes the second question.

After all what happened to you and to your family a Governor from ALABAMA comes forward and places the victims in the same level with their butchers? How you will feel when the same Governor tries to re-write your history which was written with your own blood and the blood of another 3/4 millions of Christians?

I am sure the word is going to be DISGUSTED.

Mr. Siegelman, let us come back to the real word. You are not my grandfather and you were not killed by the Turks.

You are the Governor of the State of ALABAMA and you have done an injustice to humanity, history, the Greeks, the Armenians and the Assyrians.

There is only one way out of this "fiasco".

Please RETRACT your proclamation. Have a look at You will see another [2,500] people asking you to take the same action. In case you don't, thousands of people from all over the word will demand from you to act as a man. Please don't embarrass the state of ALABAMA.

For the sake of Justice, I hope you will do it.

Capt. Evangelos Rigos
Tudor City - NY

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