To: Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman
From: George Tjionas, USA
Date: 2.Sep.2001

Dear governor D. Siegelman,

As a Greek American I want to thank you [sic] for insulting me.

Go ahead and falsify the history.

Please, hide a genocide of millions of people, Greeks , Armenians, Asyrians, and others, caused by the Turkish goverment. Turkey is our ally and we must help cover up their murderous past.The hell with the truth. Who cares about good principles, ethics and justice.

Please encourage the Turks to kill some more Greeks, some more Armenians and some more Kurds. Instead of being shamefull for their action, you decided to pamper them and tell the world a big lie through a cover up phoney proclamation. Clearly, the Turks managed to manipulate you and called the Greek tragedy in Asia Minor a Turkish tragedy. Who knows what they promissed you in return for this favor or they cought you unprepared?

By the same standards of yours I don't want to believe for a moment that there was any holocaust and genocide of the Jews. Please teach me how to acquire high standards like yours and how to promote lies. I am an educated man and I can learn fast.

Anyway, I am sure you goofed at that and please do not delay in retracting that fiasco proclamation.

Please, the whole world is asking for an appology. Personally? I demand it.

Sorry for my sarcastic content. I just felt very sick from your

George Tjionas

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