To: Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman
From: Hrayr Basmajian, USA
Date: 6.Sep.2001

Unbelievable Injustice


Being a citizen of the wonderful United States and a proud resident of Michigan, I am appauled at the news I received about the proclamation you have signed. It is not low enough that the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians were massacred by the millions, now you have gone and spit on the graves of millions of innocent people that were killed by the campaigns of the Turkish governments.

I am embarassed to aknowledge that a person who has been deemed fair enough to represent Alabama, has been so easily mislead and blindfolded. As a citizen of this country and a proud Armenian I demand that this proclamation be retracted. Please do not let yet another travisty strike down on these people.

Hrayr Basmajian

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