To: Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman
From: Marlo Bouklas Caplin, New Mexico, USA
Date: 8.Sep.2001

Governor Siegelman,

My Grandfather was raised in Thrace, Greece. He was an eyewitness to the brutal murdering that took place around 1912. His family was ravaged in the middle of the night by the Turks. Wars over the border I was told. He as a 10 young boy ran and hid in a bush as his 11 other siblings scurried for cover. He had a perfect view of what would later haunt him for years. His uncle was killed, unarmed, executionary style. Eventually after the majority of the town was slaughtered he ran out of this bush and hopped a boat headed for Egypt and became a farmhand in Alexandria. He went on to college and eventually made the pilgrimage to America. He married had two daughters that had 6 children between them who now have 6 grandchildren between them. Please don't ignore all the pain and suffering and loss of family our beloved "Poppou" experienced. Please retract this false and hurtful proclamation. Don't live with our blood on your hands. And may you and yours never experience such grotesque animosity.

                                     Yours Truly, Marlo Bouklas Caplin

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