November, 2002

The Federation of Cypriot Organizations in Greece (O.K.O.E.) watches with increased interest the developments, as these are taking place with the tabling of the Anan plan for the solution of the Cyprus problem and the perspective of Cyprus' bid for accession to the E.U. O.K.O.E. as a structure is representing the will of fifty thousand plus Greek-Cypriots that live and work in the wider territory of Greece, many of whom immigrated after the tragic events of July 1974, and most of whom are refugees. The Cyprus problem is the utmost issue of their activities and thus naturally, maybe in front of the most important development which the Anan plan and the E.U. accession mean for Cyprus, O.K.O.E. is expressing the following thoughts and ideas.

O.K.O.E.'s position is based on the following criteria and principles: respect to the principles of international law, the relevant UN resolutions, the high level agreement between the two Cyprus' communities, the Aqui Communitaire and the rules of the E.U. Our aim is overcome the Turkish intransigence, in order to achieve the withdrawal of their occupation forces and illegal settlers, and to find between the two island's communities a peaceful, workable and long lasting solution. A solution that will guarantee a re-unified Cyprus with a federal structure, one international personality, an undivided sovereignty, and will reject any groundless idea for separate states or a con-federation. A Cyprus that has consciously chosen a European course and perspective, through which , we believe it shall create the guarantees for all its people of respect to Human Rights and basic freedoms, and the implementation in the whole of its territory of the basic freedoms of property, movement and settlement.

O.K.O.E. basing itself on the above mentioned criteria concludes that the UN Secretary General's plan contains points that can be characterized as positive, other as negative, other as understandable and other as demanding further clarifications. The plan as it stands it demands serious ammendments and changes, which are necessary for it to be acceptable.

Basing itself on these conclusions - and without wanting to either unconditionally accept or reject the plan - O.K.O.E. finds correct the decision of Cyprus' National Council to accept the Anan plan as a basis for negotiation, in order to make the necessary ammendments and changes.

At the same time the National Council and President Clerides have to make clear that the pursuance of the process of negotiations cannot take place under the ultimatum of the timetable included in the Anan plan. O.K.O.E. especially reject the methodology of reaching a settlement in case of disagreements - i.e. by a decision of the UN Secretary General.

The Cypriots which live in Greece, as inelainable part of the Cyprus people, having a full sense of the historical momentum, SALUTE the mature taken by the State leadership, the political forces, the organizations and the people of Cyprus, which is characterized by the need to strengthen internal unity.

The Cypriots which live in Greece, many of whom are refugees and victims of the 1974 war, having deep heartedly felt the pain and sorrow of their fellow brothers & sisters which are refugees and are not included ith the plan, as well as having headed the position of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, CALLS upon them to work hand in hand with the rest of their brothers and sisters in order to make the negative aspects of The Anan plan change.

A similar call is addressed to the political forces and organizations in Greece and generally the Hellenes abroad, away from petty-partizan or other short-sighted calculations, TO SUPPORT POSITEVELY and EXPRESS SOLIDARITY to the Greek-Cypriots, always bearing in mind the fact that the first ones to implement and live with any type of solution are the Cypriots, their children, and the future generations.

Lastly it appeals to our compatriots Turkish-Cypriots TO HELP in achieving a solution that will be characterized by functionality and longevity. Such a solution must be first of all fair and just and aim at correcting the injustice suffered by both communities.

Our future is for a common homeland, which is free, democratic, and is destined for the legal and Cyprus born population. A homeland that will aim at a common European perspective in favour of all.