Petition for the re-Opening of The Theological School of Halki
In Constantinopole (Istanbul) Turkey

We strongly protest the continuing illegal closure of the Orthodox Theological School of Halki by the authorities of the Republic of Turkey since 1971.

We seek the immediate reopening of the Halki Seminary which is the lifeline of the the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Great Church of Christ. The Patriarchate is an invaluable part of world culture and the Orthodox Christian religion. It is unique to civilization since it is the most ancient office that has continued to function without interruption since the establishment of Constantinople as the centre of Orthodox Christianity.

The Theological School of Halki was created as the primary place of learning and education for the Orthodox priesthood of all denominations. Its closure constitutes a breach of Article 40 of the Lausanne Treaty and Article 24 of the Turkish Constitution which both guarantee religious freedom and education. Their provisions are also embodied in Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights and therefore the closure of the Halki Theological School can only be viewed as an illegal abuse of human rights and a violation of democracy and international law.

We note that the Ecumenical Patriarchate and its Theological School are almost the last vestiges of Orthodox Christianity left in Turkey. We note that the removal of the Ecumenical Patriarchate will have an impact upon all 250 million Eastern Orthodox Christians throughout the world.

From 1914 to 1923 the Ottoman and Kemalist forces followed a policy of Genocide against the Christian population. Over 1,500,000 Armenians and 800,000 Assyrian Orthodox Christians were systematically exterminated along with more than 150,000 Greek Orthodox Christians from the Pontus region and more than 1,400,000 Greek Orthodox Christians from Asia Minor. Their existence was brought to an end by wholesale massacres, shooting, hanging, hunger and inhuman and criminal maltreatment. An estimated 1,700,000 Greek Orthodox Christians fled the murderous frenzy in order to save their lives, leaving the land and homes that their ancestors had occupied for over 3000 years.

We recall the pogroms of September 6, 1955 which were sponsored by the regime of Adnan Menderes in which numerous atrocities against Greek Orthodox Christians took place. We recall that Turkish authorities in 1960 acknowledged that President Celal Bayar, Premier Menderes, and Foreign Minister Fatin Rustu Zorlu conspired to terrorize the Greek Orthodox population of Turkey.

The Theological School of Halki, the Marasleios School, the Monastery of Valoukli, the Zappeio School for Girls and many other sites suffered great damage. 59 out of the 83 Orthodox Churches were burned and many other sites suffered serious damage. 200 Greek women were raped and 15 Greeks were murdered among them a 90 year old monk who was burned alive. The graves of the Patriarchs of Constantinople were ripped open and desecrated and Christian cemeteries and ossuaries were defiled.

We note that from an initial population of 350,000 Orthodox Christians that lived in Constantinople in 1923 fewer than 2000 now remain.

As such, we note that the authorities in Ankara have now almost brought about the complete destruction of Greek Orthodox Christianity in Turkey.

We note that in 1937, the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Greece donated the house that Mustapha Kemal was born in to the Turkish government. The Turkish government should make a similar gesture and should allow the Theological School of Halki to open.

We call on all people of good will, who are interested in the ideals of freedom, democracy and human rights to support the continuation of Orthodox Christianity in Turkey and the rest of the world by supporting the reopening of the Theological School of Halki so that it can train the future priesthood which will allow the Ecumenical Patriarchate to continue functioning.




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