


Illegal promotion of holidays in occupied Cyprus


Draft Letter of Protest

Please use the following draft letter as a guide and send your complaints to
the following e-mail addresses and web site.,,

Advertising Standards Authority

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to express my utter disgust at a full-page advert which appeared on Page 70 of the Friday 18 February 2005 edition of the London Evening Standard entitled "North Cyprus".

The advert in question encourages readers to break British and European Union laws and the laws of the Republic of Cyprus by promoting travel to the illegally occupied areas of the Republic of Cyprus via an illegal port of entry and through the use of an illegal airline. It also encourages readers to violate the property rights of 200,000 Greek Cypriot refugees who are considered by the European Courts to be the legal owners of 95% of the land and property there and who were brutally ethnically cleansed from their homes ever since the two savage Turkish invasions of Cyprus of 1974 and whose land and property is being illegally exploited by the illegal Turkish military occupation regime and the Turkish Cypriots and 150,000 illegal Turkish Colonists imported from Anatolia in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Contrary to the claims in the advert which describes the occupied areas as "unspoilt", 40,000 illegal Turkish occupation troops have been stationed there for over 30 years in violation of repeated UN resolutions, the UN Charter and international law, and over 500 Christian Churches have been systematically desecrated, destroyed and looted and the homes of the refugees have been torn down to make way for illegal hotels and developments.

The promotion of travel to occupied Cyprus is a direct violation of UN Security Council Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984) which declare the secessionist state set up by the Turkish occupying forces in Cyprus to be "legally invalid" and call upon all members not to recognise or facilitate this entity and its organs in any way and not to engage any action which might exacerbate the situation. These resolutions and numerous others call upon all UN members to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus which is regarded the only legitimate government and respective of all of the island territory and which has declared all ports and airports in the occupied areas illegal and closed to traffic. The exploitation of refugees property is illegal under Cyprus law.

Since the advert breaks the law I demand that it is removed from the Evening
Standard immediately and that a full-page apology is published. I also demand that the Advertising Standards Authority investigate the Evening Standard for impropriety and take action against it to stop this form ever happening again.

Yours faithfully,


A grieving mother holding photos of her missing son.
1600+ men, women and children still missing

Greek Cypriots taken prisoner and transported to Turkey.
up to 70,000 held hostage in concentration camps

A Greek Cypriot napalmed by the Turkish air-force.
5000+ massacred

Greek Cypriots subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment.
thousands raped and tortured
200,000 ethnically cleansed

Christian gave stones smashed by the Turks.
500+ churches desecrated or destroyed

The murder of Tasos Isaac.
murders of refugees continue to this day

The murder of Solomos Solomou.

© 2001/2005 HEC and Argyros Argyrou. Updated on 11 February 2005