HELLAS Frequently Asked Questions

Last Update 10 July, 1996

O katalogos pou akoloy0ei einai mia prospa0eia na mazeytoun ola ta 0emata gia ta opoia yparxoun syxnes erwthseis sthn lista HELLAS. Ta stoixeia exoun sygkentrw0ei apo diafores phges, kai profanws den mporoume na eggyh0oume thn or9othta tous. Links/addresses se alla servers allazoun me thn parodo tou xronou. Gia dior9wseis, sxolia klp. steilte email stous ypey0ynous aytou tou katalogou:

Nikos George nikos@jimmy.harvard.edu or HELLAS webmaster thanos@grinet.com

DISCLAIMER: Me kanena tropo den einai ypey0ynoi gia tyxon anakribeies, la0h, paraleipseis opws kai gia synepeies twn plhroforiwn pou symperilambanontai ston katalogo pou akolou0ei, toso oi ypey0ynoi tou katalogou, oso kai oi apostoleis twn emails pou yparxoun ston katalogo.


  1. Ti einai h HELLAS?
  2. Alles ellhnikes listes
    1. 0essalonikhs
    2. Mhxanobiwn (:-))
    3. Germanias
    4. EEXI (Enwsh Ellhnwn Xrhstwn Internet)
    5. Macedonia
    6. Anatolia college
    7. Barbakeio
    8. Listes sthn ariadne-t.gr
    10. ELLHNIKA
    11. CLASSICS
    12. MGSA-L, lista tou Modern Greek Studies Association
    13. BYZANS-L Discussions of issues in Byzantine Studies
    14. B-GREEK (Biblical Greek Studies, formerly NT-GREEK)
    15. greek-grammar
    16. Greeks@kentvm.bitne
    17. XAOS
    18. Episthmonikhs Fantasias
    19. 0rakhs
    20. Lista Or0odoksias
    21. Kypros
    22. Hellenism
    23. AEK
    24. ARHS
    27. PAOK
  3. Sxetikes plhrofories sto cyberspace
  4. Syxnothtes Fwnhs ths Elladas, radiosta0mou Makedonias
  5. Paixnidia
  6. Nomos peri Metoikhshs stnv Ellada
  7. Etaireies metaforwv apo HPA stnv Ellada
  8. Internet providers sthn Ellada...
  9. Enhmerwsh - Synarmologhste to diko sas PC!
  10. Greek Fonts me tonous gia PC me Windows 3.1
  11. Plhrofories sxetika me to IRC
  12. Diey0ynsh kai diadikasies tou DIKATSA
  13. Visa: Kapoies plhrofories gia F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2
  14. Mail filters (procmail, elm)
  15. Sthn dhmiourgia tou FAQ boh0hsan

Ti einai h HELLAS?

Date: Sun, 22 May 94 17:15:06 +0100

From: v.narinian@ic.ac.uk

H Hellas einai mia hlektronikh "mailing list". Stelnontas mail se afth th lista, to mail dianemetai se ola ta melh ths listas.

H Hellas ksekinhse to 1987 gia na ferei se epafh olous tous Ellhnes pou htan diktywmenoi, oi perissoteroi sto BITNET. Ekeinh thn epoxh ta Unix mhxanhmata den htan toso fthna oute kai toso diadedomena kai h diadiktywsh htan pronomio gia ligous. Gia aftous tous ligous, h HELLAS htan h monadikh epafh me to Ellhniko stoixeio.

H HELLAS mporei na xarakthristei kafeneio me olh th shmasia ths lekshs. O kathenas kanei kati diaforetiko, alloi asxolountai me politika, alloi me podosfairika, alloi me tavli kai genika syzhtoun epi pantos episthtou. H HELLAS den einai "sovarh" lista kai oute prospathei na einai "sovarofanhs".

H morfh ths HELLAS exei allaksei ta teleftaia xronia alla den pavei na einai to kafeneio mas sto opoio paei opoios exei ligo elefthero xrono sto telos (h thn arxh :-) mias kourastikhs hmeras na piei to kafedaki tou kai na kanei thn kouventoula tou.

H HELLAS dianemetai kai mesw tou bit.listserv.hellas kai ypologizetai oti ton Ianouario tou 1994 diavazotan apo 31000 anagnwstes.

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Alles ellhnikes listes

[O katalogos pou akolou0ei den einai plhrhs. Periexei aplws tis listes pou exw egw yp'opsh mou. Steilte mou ena email gia listes pou ksexasa h' ena mikro keimenaki pou na perigrafei thn lista gia na to pros0esw --pt.]



Diey0ynsh:   thessaloniki@uhaul.phyast.pitt.edu (Amerikh)
             thessaloniki@euclid.iacm.forth.gr  (Eyrwph)
Ypey0ynos:   thessaloniki-owners@iacm.forth.gr
Perigrafh:   "H lista twv 0essalovikewv,  dnmiourgn0nke
             me skopo tnv pio eukoln epikoivwvia meta3u twv atomwv pou
             exouv idiaiterous desmous me tn 0essalovikn ! "
Eggrafh:     Stelnete ena email sthn diey0ynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                   SUBSCRIBE thessaloniki TO_ONOMA_SAS
Home Page:       http://uhaul.phyast.pitt.edu/thessalonik.html


Mhxanobiwn (:-))

Diey0ynsh:   gr-moto@vergina.eng.auth.gr 
Ypey0ynos:   Dimitris Kontoudis ,kontoudi@ics.forth.gr
Perigrafh:   "Skopos ths  listas einai  h  syzhthsh  opoiondhpote thematwn
              pou exoun sxesh me motosykleta kai motokinhsh (kai oxi mono).
              Gia paradeigma :

                    a. Texnika themata
                    b. Themata odhghshs
                    c. Perihghsh
                    d. Taksidia
                    e. Oti mporeite na fantasteite. "

Eggrafh:     Stelnete ena email sthn diey0ynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                   SUBSCRIBE GR-MOTO to onoma sas



Diey0ynsh:   agora-l@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Ypey0ynos:   Panagiotis Tsarchopoulos , tsarcho@dfki.uni-kl.de
Perigrafh:   Lista syzhthshs twn Ellhnwn ths Germanias kai geitonikwn
             germanofwnwn xwrwn
Eggrafh:     Stelnete ena email sthn diey0ynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                   SUBSCRIBE agora-l TO_ONOMA_SAS

EEXI (Enwsh Ellhnwn Xrhstwn Internet) AHIU (Association of Hellenic Internet Users)

Palioterh onomasia: FIG (Friends of Internet in Greece)
Diey0ynsh:  fig@avs.com
Ypey0ynos:  eexi@theseas.ntua.gr
Perigrafh:  "As a member of this list, you will receive information on the
   happenings of the organization FIG.  This will include announcement
   of meetings, summary of the meetings, any general information
   on internet and internet use.  "
Eggrafh:     Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                   SUB FIG to_onoma_sas



Diey0ynsh:  macedonia@husc.harvard.edu
Ypey0ynos:  Nikos Patshs, patsis@hrl.harvard.edu
Perigrafh:  H lista asxoleitai me th Makednia kai alla eqnika qemata
Eggrafh:    Steilte ena email ston  patsis@hrl.harvard.edu


Anatolia college

Diey0ynsh:  anatolia@ugcs.caltech.edu
Ypey0ynos:  Leuqerhs Gkioulekas --> elefgrek@cco.caltech.edu
            Ippokraths Karakasoglou --> ikarakas@midway.uchicago.edu
Perigrafh:  grafei o Ippokraths: "H lista asxoleitai me ta tou
            sxoleiou mas kai osa mporei na endiaferoun auto h emas."
Eggrafh:    Steilte ena email stous ypey0ynous.



Dieu0unsh: 		varvakeios@demokritos.cc.duth.gr
Ypeu0unos: 	nkontod@orion.it.luc.edu
Perigrafh: 		Lista sxetikh me to Barbakeio (aplo, e?)
Eggrafh: 		e-mailaki sto:
			xwris subject legontas apla:
			subscribe varvakeios 

Episthmonikes listes sthn ariadne-t.gr

Diey0ynnsh:   listname@listserv@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
            O katalogos pou akolou0ei exei kai thn perigrafh ths ka0e
            listas. Sthn 0esh tou listname balte to antistoixo
            pragmatiko onoma ths listas. 

Date: Mon, 5 Sep 94 21:48:25+020
From: tmzpv@chemeng.ntua.gr

Geia xara,
        sou stelnw tis listes pou diatiuenatai apo tin ariadne, opws
akrivws mou esteile to minima o listserver tous. Exoun prosteuei kai
kapoies alles opws vlepeis pera apo aftes po anaferontai sto Hellas-Faq
tis: Wed Aug 31. Se oti afora tis listes pou anafereis oti de
leitourgoun, leitourgoun alla den iparxoun (pola) minimata...
                                        Nikos Tsoukas

  Date: Fri, 2 Sep 94 21:28:44 +0300
  Comment: Greek Scientists List Server
  From: listserv@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
  To: tmzpv@chemeng.ntua.gr
  Subject: LISTS

  Here is the current active list of the 34 mailing lists served by this

  gr_scient              Mailing List for Greek Scientists 
  gr_physics             Mailing List for Greek Physics Scientists 
  gr_computer            Mailing List for Greek Computer Scientists
  gr_medical             Mailing List for Greek  Medical Scientists 
  gr_political           Mailing List for Greek Political Scientists
  gr_mathematics         Mailing List for Greek  Mathematics Scientists 
  gr_astro               Mailing List for Greek Astronomy & Astrophysics Scientists
  gr_chemistry           Mailing List for Greek Chemistry Scientists 
  gr_life.science        Mailing List for Greek Life Scientists
  gr_technology          Mailing List for Greek  Technological Scientists 
  gr_economics           Mailing List for Greek Economic Scientists 
  gr_linguistics         Mailing List for Greek  Linguistician Scientists 
  gr_earth.space         Mailing List for Greek Earth & Space Scientists
  gr_agriculture         Mailing List for Greek  Agricultural Scientists 
  gr_psychology          Mailing List for Greek Psychology Scientists
  gr_philosophy          Mailing List for Greek  Philosophy Scientists 
  gr_history             Mailing List for Greek History Scientists
  gr_epafi               Mailing List for  contact between Greek Scientists 
                                   of abroad and Scientists in Greece 
  scientists             Contact with Greek  Scients abroad 
  aria_user              Mailing  List for Scientists who use network "Ariadne"
  ar_chemistry           Mailing List for Greek Chemistry Scientists 
  ar_physics             Mailing List for Greek Physics Scientists
  ar_biology             Mailing List for Greek  Biology Scientists 
  ar_computer.science    Mailing List for Greek Computer Scientists
  ar_microelectronics    Mailing List for Greek  Microelectronics Scientists 
  ar_medical             Mailing List for Greek Medical Scientists
  ar_economy             Mailing List for Greek  Economic Scientists 
  ar_material.science    Mailing List for Greek Material Scientists
  ar_nuclear.technology  Mailing List for Greek  Nuclear Scientists 
  ar_meteorology         Mailing List for Greek Meteorology Scientists
  speakers_corner        Mailing List for   General Items  
  ar_gossip              Mailing  List  for  Gossip  
  ar_messages            Mailing List for the Messages of Ariadne Network
  telemed                Mailing List for "Telemedical Items" of 
                                 Medical School, Athens University
  grmined              Mailing List for the Greek Ministry of Education

Ypey0ynos:  gr_owner@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
Eggrafh:     Stelnete ena email sthn dieuthynsh
              xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
              SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME your_full_name



Diey0ynsh:  filippos@sdphpd.ucsd.edu, filipposnews@sdphpd.ucsd.edu
Ypey0ynos:  Giwrgos Betoulns - giorgos@sdphln.ucsd.edu
Perigrafh:  FILIPPOS: Eidnseis kai avakoivwseis twv drastnriotntwv twv
                      Ellnvikwv sullogwv stnv Notia Kaliforvia.
            FILIPPOSNEWS: Ta nea tou Cosmos FM apo Cosmos News,cosmos@panix.com.
                          Episkopnsn tupou kai News (in ENGLISH) apo ton
                          Theodore Zarros, tzarros@ccs.carleton.ca
Eggrafh:    Stelnete ena email sthn dieuthynsh
            Dieukriviste av 0elete va grafteite sto filippos 
            n' sto filipposnews n' kai sta duo.



Ypey0ynos:  Giannh Xaralampous
Perigrafh:  H lista ejuphretei thn Greek TeX community 
Eggrafh:    Stelnete ena email sthn dieuthynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
             SUBSCRIBE ELLHNIKA 1st_name last_name



Diey0ynsh:  classics@uwavm.bitnet
Ypey0ynos:  lwright@caca.washington.edu [isxyei??? --pt.]
Perigrafh:  lista syzhthshs gia arxaia Ellhnika kai Latinika.
Eggrafh:    Stelnete ena email sthn dieuthynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                 SUBSCRIBE CLASSICS Your_Real_Name


MGSA-L, lista toy Modern Greek Studies Association

Diey0ynsh:  MGSA-L@cmsa.berkeley.edu
Ypey0ynos:  Prof. Roland Moore (Berkeley),email moore@qal.berkeley.edu
Perigrafh:  grafei o Ben PETRE ,hobpetre@halls1.cc.monash.edu.au :
             "Ta perissotera melh einai metaptyxiakoi foithtes kai 
             ka9hghtes Neoellhnikwn sta ana ton kosmo tmhmata 
             Neoellhnikwn.Ta 9emata pros syzhthsh exoyn amesh sxesh 
             me kapoia ptyxh toy pedioy twn Neoellhnikwn Spoydwn."
Eggrafh:     Stelnete ena email sthn dieuthynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                   subscribe MGSA-L your_name               



Perigrafh:  Discussions of issues in Byzantine Studies
Eggrafh:    Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                  subscribe BYZANS-L 



Diey0ynsh:  b-greek@virginia.edu
Perigrafh: "B-GREEK is an electronic conference designed to foster
           communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek
           Bible. Anyone interested in New Testament Studies is invited
           to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working
           knowledge of Biblical Greek. "
Eggrafh:    Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                       SUBSCRIBE B-GREEK



Diey0ynsh: greek-grammar@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
Ypey0ynos:    [opoios/opoia mou dwsei parapanw plhrofories 
Perigrafh:     gi' auth thn lista kerdizei dwrean syndromh 
Eggrafh:       sta FAQ updates:-) --pt.]



Diey0ynsh: Greeks@kentvm.bitnet
Ypey0ynos: [ki edw mia syndromh dwro! --pt.]


Diey0ynsh:  xaos@vergina.eng.auth.gr
Ypey0ynos:  mboudour@vergina.eng.auth.gr
Perigrafh:  Lista syzhthshs sxetika me themata Mh Grammikhs Dynamikhs,
            Thewrias Polyplokothtas kai Kybernoxwrou
Eggrafh:    Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                  SUBSCRIBE xaos Your_full_name    


Episthmonikhs Fantasias

Diey0ynsh: karav@nat2.uia.ac.be
Ypey0ynos: starian@hol.gr,karav@nat1.uia.ac.be
Perigrafh: O starian@hol.gr grafei :
          "Elate gia na syzhthsoyme oloi mazi gia to 
           Star Trek, thn Babylona 5 ton Polemo Tvn Astrvn. 
           Gia oles tis nees tainies, seires. Ola ta nea biblia... 
           'H otidipote allo uelete (mes sta plesia ths EF)"
Eggrafh: Steilte ena sxetiko email se kapoion apo tous ypey0ynous



Diey0ynsh:  thraki-list@demokritos.cc.duth.gr
Ypey0ynos:  mboudour@vergina.eng.auth.gr
Perigrafh:  [Lista sxetikh me thn 0rakh. --pt.]
Eggrafh:    Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                  SUBSCRIBE thraki-list  TO_ONOMA_SAS
Home Page:  http://www.duth.gr/maillist.html


Lista Or0odoksias

Eggrafh:     Stelnete   ena   email    ston 
                       antistoixo listserver
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:



Diey0ynsh:  kypros@iitmax.acc.iit.edu.
Perigrafh:  [Lista syzhthshs gia thn Kypro --pt.]
Eggrafh:   Gia va givete meln steilete tn dieu8uvsn sas stnv
                 Soulla Louca stnv dieu8uvsn:
Home page: http://www.wam.umd.edu/~cyprus



Ypey0ynos: s_dim@oz.plymouth.edu
Eggrafh: Stelnete   ena   email    sto
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                subscribe hellenism onomateponumo



Diey0ynsh: aek-l@afrodite.cti.gr 
Ypey0ynos: Panayotis Kappos  P.Kappos@afrodite.cti.gr
Perigrafh:  lista gia tous filous ths AEK
Eggrafh:   Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
            sub aek-l to_onoma_sas
Home Page: http://www.lpac.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/People/Dimitris/AEK/enosis.html
Ypey0ynos WWW: Dimitris Tsaptsinos D.Tsaptsinos@lpac.ac.uk
IRC:       AEK channel at IRC. (#AEK)



Diey0ynsh:  arhs-fans@iacm.forth.gr
Ypey0ynos:  green@csd.uch.gr
Perigrafh:  lista gia tous filous tou Arn
Eggrafh:    Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
            xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                subscribe arhs-fans to_ovomatepwvumo_sas



Diey0ynsh:  thrylos@olympiakos.com
Ypey0ynos:  Kuriakos Georgiou: kg@gate7.olympiakos.com
Perigrafh:   lista gia tous filous tou Olympiakou
Eggrafh:    gia subscribe, steilte email (den xreiazete subject) sto 
            listserv@olympiakos.com me th grammh: add olympiakos
Home Page: http://www.engin.umich.edu/~etentz/
WWW Ypey0: Mavos Tevtzerhs



Diey0ynsh: grafei o Giwrgos Iwannidhs: "ola ta mail twn paidiwn sthn 
           mailing list mpainoun ston server tou PAO kai ekei mporei na ta 
           blepei kai na ta diabazei o ka8e filos ths omadas kai oxi mono
Ypey0ynos: Giwrgos Iwannidhs (ucess8k@ucl.ac.uk)
Perigrafh: O server tou PAO asxoleitai me ta tmhmata podosfairou kai basket.
           Akoma uparxei h Mailing List kai h Fans List. A3izei na shmeiw8ei
           pws sthn Fans List o ka8e filos ths omadas exei thn dikh tou selida,
           sthn opoia mporei na grapsei oti 8elei gia ton eauto tou, stigmes 
           kai anamnhseis apo a3exasta mats ths omadas kai genikotera otidhpote
           allo 8elei na emfanizetai sthn selida tou.
Eggrafh:   Osa paidia endiaferontai mporoun stelnontas mail sto 
           "ucess8k@ucl.ac.uk" na grafontai stis Fans List kai Mailing List
           me subject "Fans List" h' "Mailing List" antistoixa. Enas allos
           tropos, einai mesw tou server tou PAO pou exei etoimes formes gia 
           tous filous ths omadas.
Home Page: http://www-server.bcc.ac.uk/~ucess8k/Pana8a.html



Diey0ynsh:   paok-fans@euclid.iacm.forth.gr
Ypey0ynos:   paok-fans-owners@iacm.forth.gr
Perigrafh:   Lista syzhthshs sxetika me thn PAOKARA :-)
Eggrafh:     Stelnete   ena   email    sthn   dieuthynsh
             xwris subject kai me monadiko periexomeno:
                  SUBSCRIBE paok-fans Your_full_name
Home Page: http://www.iacm.forth.gr/~kanag/paok.html

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Sxetikes plhrofories sto cyberspace

[Fysika kai den einai oles. Ka0e plhroforia eyprosdekth. --pt.]


Radiofwnika deltia eidhsewn me gopher/mosaic

Stis Mar 30, 1995 yphrxan: ERA2, ERA5, ANT1, SKY, AthenNewsAgency (text)





soc.culture.greek FAQ



Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 18:58:04 -0500
      From: "Makis A. Maroulis" 

  Gia osous endiaferontai, to ftp site pandora.unl.edu (
  epanaleitourgei. O logos pou den leitourgouse, htan oti xalase o diskos.
  Exw epanakthsei ola ta arxeia, ektos autwn sto "incoming" directory.
  Epishs exw balei merika kainourgia .jpg images sto pub/hellas/gif/NEW.

 Connect to pandora.unl.edu/pub/hellas

EEXI, Enwsh Ellhnwn Xrhstwn Internet

(palioterh onomasia: Friends of Internet in Greece)

anonymous ftp ugcs.caltech.edu

grafei o ikarakas@midway.uchicago.edu:

  akoma sto anonymous ftp ugcs.caltech.edu uparxoun:

   /pub/elef/texts/greece info about greece 

   /pub/elef/warez/greek programms for greek/TeX 

 [Gia ellhnika se TeX koitakste kai to kdgreek (K.Dryllerakis (kd@doc.ic.ac.uk)
 kai to scholartex  (Y.Haralambous (yannis@gat.citilille.fr)) --pt.]

   /pub/elef/anatolia/archive ta legomena so far sthn Anatolia College list.

  /pub/elef/texts/greece/greek_lyrics.txt ellhnika tragoudia

FAQ "Internet in Greece"


Anonymous FTP sites sthn Ellada

Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 22:37:10 +0200 (EET)
From: kappos@cti.gr

host  : afrodite.cti.gr 
ip    :
system: Novell Netware V4.1
location: Computer Technology Institute , Patras, Hellas
login : anonymous
files : The complete cica games archive, the most recent files for
        the World-Wide Web (browsers, docs, servers), The Gutenberg
        '95 etext, PC-related software, cica-winsock directory, etc.

Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 17:06:24 +300 (EET)
From: Spiridon Papadhmhtriou papspyr@athena.compulink.gr
Subject: Anonymous FTP sites sthn Ellada
Apostellw  enan  katalogo  me ta  anonymous  FTP  sites  sthn Ellada. 
Proerxetai apo mia  progenesterh ekdosh  pou eixa ftiaksei  paliotera 
(kapoy  2 - 3  mhnes  prin,  ligo  meta  thn  prwth mou  epafh  me to 
Internet) gia ton eafto mou.  Se ekeinh  ekana merikes  pros8hkes kai 
ths eftiaksa to format.  Elpizw to apotelesma na einai kapws xrhsimo,
dinontas mia kalh idea tou ti mporeite na vreite hdh sthn Ellada, 
prin katafygete se FTP sites tou ekswterikou.
An  kapou  deite  la8h  h'  paraleipseis   kai  genika  exete  kapoia
parathrhsh na kanete, sas parakalw peite mou. Efxaristw.
                                Spyros Papadhmhtriou
Akolou8ei o katalogos :
Host     : ftp.ntua.gr  (or theseas.ntua.gr)
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : Computer Centre, National Technical University, Athens
System   : Unix (SunOS)
Login    : anonymous
Comments :   --
Files    : Linux :  Slackware 2.0.0, documents  (LDP, HOWTOs and  some
           FAQs), related  DOS utilities to  install and boot  (fips11
           and other partitioning  programs, gzip124, lodlin14, pboot,
           zipzp715,  pfdisktc).
           ORION  (MSWin  program).
           X  Windows  various  stuff  (x11perf,  x3d, xackl, xbiff++,
           xblowup,  xboard,  xcalendar,  xcd,  xcolored, xcrash, xdb,
           xdump,  xfish,  xet,  xflick,  xforecast,  xgrabsc, xhtalk,
           xlander,  xlibprgs,  xlife,  xlock,  xnetload, xpm, xproof,
           xsaver,  xscope,  xscm,   xscribble,  xtank,  xvnews,  xvt,
           Documents  (big  dummy's  guide,  books,  Hacker Crackdown,
           CTutorial, Hitchhikers Guide,  Motif related, Perl related,
           WWW Guide, xpm, Zen).
           Greek fonts  : for the  Macintosh, for X11  (elot, gallant,
           Kerberos v5.
           WWW  (DOS and  MSWin related,  chimera, contrib, documents,
           lynx, ncsa_httpd, viola, xmosaic).
           Sun FAQs directory.
           New  files  (XTeX,  audiofile,  binpro  dsnwalk,  elk,  es,
           fremont, libXG,  lsof, moog, mxterm,  multiverse, netaudio,
           rtf2LaTeX,  wafe, xdvi,  xfsp, xmcd,  xmt, xpilot, xnetmon,
           Numerous files in a huge (!!) /pub directory (Ftptool 14.2,
           MAEstr,  Matrix, Seyon  2.03, XCD-FTP,  Xcontrol, Xcoi 8.7,
           acm 2.4, bdftools, beav133,  bibtex tools, controol, cperf,
           cterm,  ctwm,  easyedit,  elib,  epic,  exabyte  util, ezd,
           force,   format,  freeWAIS,   ftpw-wid,  ftptools,   gated,
           hyphens,   icb-client,   icon,   ilisp,   joel,  love-hpux,
           libXtGeo, lq-text, lsys,  lwf, mcboole, metaconf, missileX,
           mixview, mterm, mtools, multidisplay, mxgb, netdig, olvwm3,
           origami,  rolog,  rtf-sample,   scm4a14,  shapeTools,  shx,
           slib1c2, smx  1.00, space, tdbm, tvtwm,  vtwm 5.0, wscrawl,
           and some other minor files).
Host     : ftp.csd.uch.gr  (or csd.uch.gr)
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : Computer Science Dept., University of Crete, Heraclion
System   : Unix
Login    : anonymous
Comments :   --
Files    : Greek (Greek  Ispell, X11 fonts,  a2ps 4.0 greek,  numerous
           text conversions, greek fonts).
           OS (Mach.mk73.tar.Z, linux-0.96a.tar.gz).
           PARIX  (adp 1.0,  benchmarks, f2c.bin.PARIX,  p4_1.2-parix,
           parix-raytrace, prc 4.0-parix, etc.).
           TeX (DVIware, TeXsis,  ams-tfm, amslatex, amsfonts, amstex,
           babel, bibtex, cm-tfm,  dvidvi2, eplain, inrestex, kdgreek,
           latex, lollipop, lout, mctex,  nfss, texps, tr2tex, web2pc,
           web 6.1).
           WWW (httpd 1.3, squhotmetal 1.0, wusage 0.2).
           X (Perly  0,  XpoolTable,  ctwm,  gspreview,  Tcl  6.7 plus
           tutorial, wscrawl, xcalendar,  xchess, xconq, xcoral, xdbx,
           xdvi,   xfallout,  xfig,   xfractint,  xinfo,   xloadimage,
           xmailbox,  xmines,  xminesweep,  xmj,  xpilot,  xpm,  xtrk,
           xviewgl, xvmines, xvnews, xvtdl, xwebster, xzap).
           abacus (vol. 1-4).
           antivirus (4nsh160, cnl115b,  killmnk3, langv106, ocln115b,
           osc-202, scn115b, sentry02, strtl, vsh115, wscan116).
           archie (xarchie).
           compressors (booz  2.1, freeze 2.1,  parc-b, squeeze, voof,
           CSD Papers  & CSD Techreports (various  papers published by
           CSD researchers).
           GNU (pretty complete).
           Net (clientserver 0.80,  ipmulticast, nrelayd, rfc1045, rpc
           4.0, rwhod, taylor-uucp, vmtp, xtp-3.6.ps).
           Network   (NNStat,  Netuse,   XNetmon  1.0,  authentication
           sub-dir,  cku188, dig  2.0, doc  2.0, host4AIX,  inetrover,
           ipkeep, listserv  5.5, monet 0.10,  proxyarpd, resolv+ 2.1,
           rping, gopher  1.03, xgopher 1.2,  go4gw 1.01, phone  1.01,
           refdbms-3  alpha,  snmp  2.0.1,  tcpdump,  traceroute, ttcp
           sub-dir, xntp3).
           News (c-news, inn 1.1, nn  6.4, nntp 1.5.7, nntplink 3.0.2,
           tin 1.21 trn 2.0 - 2.2, xrn 6.17).
           NFS (amd 5.2, nfstrace, nfswatch 4.0).
           Papers  (about :  ALPHA, CRAY,  DEC, MIPS,  RAID, SUN, dos,
           mach, and miscellaneous).
           Graphics (Foley Van Dam).
           Image  (documents,  artshow,  cview386,  dvpeg, hv12, jfif,
           jpeg prgs with src, jpeg docs, mpegmovie, pbmplus, raiders,
           testdv2, viewgif, wallace, winjp210).
           Postscript (atalk, psutils, zone).
           RFCs (nearly all, plus few IENs and info about FYIs).
           Sun  related (nis patch, sunfixes sub-dir).
           Unix (lsof, rcs.tar.gz).
           A suite  of UNIX  benchmark programs  (Covers cpu,  fp, io,
           net, spec, stress. tpc and x11 performance).
           IRC (irc 2.7.2, ircII 2.1.5, etc.).
           Macintosh  related  (Telnet2,  cap60.pl100,  netatalk, Unix
           related - mcvert-165).
           Mach (default.tar.Z, gcc-mods, gdb-3.5, i386, mips, etc.).
           VI stuff (various VI related stuff).
           Miscellaneous (68kdisassem, CarnageEmpCode, PGP, RSA, agrap
           2.04, alex, diku, binhex, eif 1.0.1, em48, f2c.92jan17.tar,
           mathematics  sub-dir,  monitor  1.06beta,  multimedia-demo,
           p2c,   povray   sub-dir,   prospero-alpha,   pthreads,  qi,
           resource-guide,  sysinfo  1.0,   uSystem,  umud2,  unzip41,
           vs,tar,Z, zwn 1.0).
           Incoming  directory  (AMIGA,  PovRay,  PAOK, Linear progr.,
           Sharon_Stone,  lyrics,  magazines,  mpeg,  msdos, msprolog,
           fantasy and other sub-dirs).
Host     : ftp.forthnet.gr   (or info.forthnet.gr)
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : FORTHnet Information Centre
System   : Unix
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : X Windows  stuff :  Rel. 5  (mit 1-4,  contrib 1-3, fixes),
           Rel.  6 (contrib  4, fixes).
           Gnu (more  or less complete).
           Macintosh   related    (AppleLink,   Disinfectant,   Fetch,
           HyperWais, MCP, NCSA Mosaic, POPmail, SndHck60, Telnet 2.5,
           TheNews,  TurboGopher 1.0.7,  cayman, greek  fonts, gnuucp,
           investmanager, mac2elot, newswatcher, periscope, ppp, comms
           & general FAQ).
           Networking  related (dns,  ftpd, mail,  monster, osi,  ppp,
           routing, slip,  ttcp, uucp, uupc etc.)  for various systems
           (incl. unix, dos, mswin).
           Various  (ImageMagick,  NAS,   NNStat,  aix-identd,  dvips,
           flexfax,  fm2html,  gcc,  ghostscript  fixes  &  2.6.1  (no
           fonts), gnuplot, hershey-sun,  inn1, lynx, majordomo, perl,
           pidentd  2.2,  sdbm,  sendmail,  tcp_wrappers,  tftpd, wht,
           wu-ftpd, xanim, xload, xnetdb, xpaint, etc.).
           Information systems (archie,  freeWAIS, gopher, news, www),
           for various systems (incl. unix, dos, mswin).
Host     : leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : NRCPS Democritos
System   : Unix (SunOS)
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : chemistry related  information (software list,  sites list,
           mailing  lists),  RFCs  (nearly  all),  maas_info, a dialup
           subscription form.
Host     : ftp.cc.uch.gr  (or estia.cc.uch.gr)
IP addr. :
Revised  : 07/09/1994
Location : Computer Centre, University of Crete, Heraclion
System   :
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : qpeg10d,  xv-3.00, Macintosh  related (fetch, disinfectant,
           Cap,  NCSA Mosaic,  POPmail, Telnet,  TheNews, TurboGopher,
           cayman, gnuucp, mac-uucp, mac2elot, newswatcher, periscope,
           ppp,  summex-aim.stanford.edu,   investmanager,  comms  and
           general FAQ's, etc.), MS-DOS  related (WWW, disk utilities,
           lview,  mpeg), network  related (WWW,  archie, ftp, gopher,
           mail,  sendmail,  slip,  monitoring,  management  related),
           Linux SLS,  GNU programs (only  gcc, gdb-4.9, gnuplot-3.5),
           TeX  (bibliography,  documantation,  dviware,  fonts, help,
           languages,  latex, macros,  etc.), VMS  related (ALPHA  VMS
           C-Kermit and  Unzip), music (lyrics &  audio files), sports
           (basketball   e.t.c.),  scientific   programs  (ai,  audio,
           chemistry,  clinical chemistry,  madicine, math, computers,
           graphics,    molecular   biology,    psychology,   physics,
           simulation,  geology, etc.),  home-grown files (cc-nologin,
           cc-suspend, reports etc.).
Host     : 
IP addr. :
Revised  : 07/09/1994
Location : Chemical Engineering Dept., NTUA, Zografou Campus
System   :
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : Unix   related  (arc,   booz,  elm2.4,   gzip124,  lha101u,
           unarj241, unzip51, zcrypt21, zip201, zoo210). Some files in
           /incoming   directory  (7plus,   mosaic-indy,  grasp,   mm,
           mpeg_play-2.0, xv-3.00).
Host     : 
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : Computer Technology Institute, Patra
System   : VMS V5.5-2
Login    : anonymous
Comments : not Unix or similar, couldn't find my way
Files    :    ????
Host     : ftp.ced.tuc.gr  (or omalos.ced.tuc.chania)
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/09/1994
Location : Technical University of Chania, Crete
System   : Unix (SunOS)
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : Milord  (1993,  1994).  Some   files  in  /edmund_temp  dir
           (bmorph30.zip,  dixicad.zip,   diskfac1.zip,  flisee20.zip,
           rzsz3_34.zip, vuimg340.zip, yagimax.zoo, zoo210.exe).
Host     : hol.gr
IP addr. :
Revised  : 08/08/1994
Location : Hellas On-Line (commercial BBS in Athens)
System   : Unix (Linux)
Login    : anonymous
Comments :    --
Files    : Various documents (IRC tutorials  & FAQ, numerous resources
           lists  by-subject).  MS-DOS  programs  :  modem  (msker313,
           msr31312,  msvgen),  compression   (arj),  games  (raptor),
           communication  (oddysey200a, telemate  4.12). OS-2 programs
           (deboo100). Few amiga stuff.
1. The  above list  was created  by viewing  the directory contents of
   various  anonymous ftp  sites in  Greece. That  is why  many of the
   entries in the  "Files" field are simply filenames.
2. When saying "for  various systems" I do not  mean that each program
   listed exists for each system listed, but that not all the programs
   are for one system.
3. Finally,  be  aware  that  not  all  ftp  sites  have  equally good
   bandwidth, though  most of the  "large" sites were  pretty good, at
   least from where I tried (compulink.forthnet.gr)
Finally, the  hosts jupiter.cca.ucy.cy, pythia.csi.forth.gr (which are
listed as anonymous ftp sites in  the current version of the "Internet
in Greece" FAQ) did not  accept login neither  as "anonymous", nor  as
"ftp". I also found a host called ftp.cc.uoi.gr,  but it didn't accept
anonymous access.
                                       Composed by:
                                       Spiros Papadimitriou

Merika nea me gopher kai WWW

Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 13:48:01 -0600
Subject: Merika nea me gopher kai WWW
To: hellas@uga.cc.uga.edu

Epeidh isws na endiaferei, ta ar0ra ths fwnhs ths Amerikhs mporoun na
na bre0oun me gopher sto


Epishs ta nea tou CNN me gopher sto


Telos ena kalo home page me para polla news services
brisketai sto


Mixalhs Petrakos

To Bibliopwleio tou Papaswtiriou sto web

From: "Moses A. BOUDOURIDES" 
Subject: To Bibliopwleio tou Papaswtiriou sto web
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 11:40:04 EDT

Nai, pragmati, an exete kapoion tropo na ploigitheite ston pagkosmio isto 
tou Internet, to World-Wide Web (xreiazesthe enan anagnwsti-browser 
opws to mosaic 'h to lynx 'h klp), mporeite na katevthyntheite sto URL:


gia na deite tis ekdoseis tou Papaswtiriou (pou exei kai to Bibliopwleio 
tis Polytexneioupolis tou EMP stou Zwgrafou).



Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Syxnothtes Fwnhs ths Elladas, radiosta0mou Makedonias

>Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 13:31 EST
>From: Bandis Athinodoros 
>Gia B. Amerikn eivai 9380kHz, 9425kHz, 11645kHz wra 7pm EST n' 8pmEST tnv 
>0erivn periodo. Auta ntav gia tnv fwvn tns Ellados.
>Stnv B. Amerikn mporei va piasei kaveis tov Radiofwviko sta0mo Makedovias 
>stous 11595 kHz otav o kairos eivai kalos. O Radiofwvikos sta0mos Makedovia
>ekpempei movo gia Eurwpn, Kupro Tourkia, Ivdiko Wkeavo kai gi auto
>eivai duskolo va piastei stnv Amerikn.
>Tis alles suxvotntes dev tis kserw.

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Fwnh ths Ellados (5to programma)

Akolou0oun oi suxnothtes ths Fwnhs ths Elladas gia F0inopwro-Xeimwna
1994-5, polutimes gia osous akoune braxea san ki emena. Eidika o
3unopoulos ka0e Sabbato bradu den paizetai !

S'o,ti afora Ellhniko radio, uparxei kai o sta0mos ths 0essalonikhs (sta0mos
Makedonias, 3o programma) pou ekpempei apo tis 8 to prwi, ws tis 12 bradu 
(wra Elladas) sta 11595kHz kai 7430kHz. H plhroforia einai anepishmh, isws 
uparxoun ki alles suxnothtes ki alles wres, pantws autes douleuoun sigoura, 
toulaxisto edw sto Belgio.

                    The Voice of Greece (5th program)
Short wave transmission schedule, Autumn-Winter 1994-95
Effective: 25/9/94 (12.00 UTC) to 26/3/95 (12.00 UTC)

Service Area                UTC                kHz            Languages
Australia              21.00-22.50     9375    9425           Gr, Eng
South America-Panama   22.00-23.00            11595           Gr

South America-Panama   23.00-23.50      9425  11595   11645   P, E, Eng

North America          00.00-03.50      9420   9935  #*15650  Gr, Eng
Arabia, Indian Ocean   04.00-04.50      9425  15630  *21465   Gr, Ar
Cyprus, Turkey,        05.00-06.15      7450  93955    9425   Gr, Tr   
Middle East

Europe-1               07.00-07.50      9425  11645   15650   Gr, Eng
Australia              08.00-09.50     15650  17525           Gr, Eng
Azores, Japan          10.00-10.50     15650  17525   11645   Gr       
Cyprus, Turkey,        11.00-11.50      9425   9825           Gr, Tr   
Middle East

North & Central Africa 12.00-12.50     11645 *15630   15650   Gr, Ar, Eng
W. Europe & N. America 13.00-14.50    *15650  17520           Gr, Eng
Tashkent               13.00-13.50     11645                  Gr, Rus
Arabia, Indian Ocean   14.00-14.50     *9425                  Gr, Ar
Balkan Countries       15.00-17.00      1450   9395   9425    Gr, Al, Sc, Bg
Commonwealth of Ind.
Countries and Poland   17.10-17.50      9395  9425    11645   Gr, Rus, Pl
Africa                 18.00-18.50     15650  17525           Gr, Eng

Europe-3               18.00-20.00@           *9425           Gr
Europe-3               20.00-21.00      7450  *9425           Gr
Europe-3               21.00-21.50      7450                  Gr
Europe-2               19.00-19.50@     7450   9380           Eng, F, D, I, S

Balkan Countries       20.00-20.50      9375                  Bg, Al, R, Sc
Balkan Countries       20.00-20.30       792                  Bg, Al       
Balkan Countries       21.30-22.00       792                  Al, Bg, Sc, R
* :Reception possible in Australia
# :Reception possible in the Panama Zone
@ :On Tuesdays: program starts at 19.00, because of maintenance
**:Saturdays=Al, Sundays=Bg, Mondays=Sc, Tuesdays=Tr, Wednesdays=Al,
   Thursdays=Bg, Fridays=R

Details on frequencies: 
ERT S.A.- Direction of Engineering and Development of Electronic Media
Subdirection of Network Development, Dept. of Frequency Allocations and
Cooperation with Foreign Organisations.
In charge:
Demitri Vafeas, 6014700(ext158/170) fax 6009608

Details on Programming:
ERA-5, 'The Voice of Greece', tel. 6006600(ext256), fax 6397375
432 Mesogion Ave., POBOX 60019, Agia Paraskevi 153 10, Athens 

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Fwnh ths Ellados (vraxea)

Reply-To: cnkyrou@mailbox.syr.edu   Fri Jan 27 03:02:45 1995
Sender: The Hellenic Discussion  List 

Filoi tis HELLAS,
Paratheto tis suxnotites duo Ellinikon kanalion sta SW (vraxea), ana
ton kosmo.

Oi ores einai Universal, oi syxnotites se MHz
Gia na syntonisete to roloi sas se Universal pigenete sta
10000 i 15000 i 5000 MHz

A. Programmata sta Agglika


North America and Caribbean
ORES              SYXNOTITES
0135-0145 &0335-0350   W 5970,9380,9420& S 11645 (N.America)
1335-1345   S 15630 & S 17535 (N. America)
1435-1445   W  15630 & 17535 (N. America)
2335-2350   9425 (C.America)

Europe and North Africa
0737-0750   9425,11645, & 15650 (Europe)
1900-1910   W  7450 & W 9380 (Europe)
2000-2010   S   9395 (Europe)

Other World Zones
0937-0950   15650 & 17525 (Australasia)
1837-1850   W 15630 (Africa), 15650 &                   17525 (C.Africa & S.Africa)
2235-2250   11645 (Australasia)

Twra sta ELLINIKA!

0000-0135 &0145-0335   W 5970,9380,9420 & S 11645 (B.Americi)
0400-0435   15630 (Mesi Anatoli)
0400-0437   9425 & 11645/21465 (Mesi Anatoli)
0500-0600   7450 (M.Anatoli), 9395(Europi), 9425(M.Anatoli)
0700-0737   9425, 11645 & 15650 (Europi)
0800-0937   15650 & 17525 (Australasia)
1000-1050   15650 & 17525 (A.Asia)
1100-1130   9425 & 9825 (M.Anatoli)
1200-1230   W 9425 (A.Africi), 11645 & W 15650(Africi)
1200-1335   S 15630 & S 17535 (B.Americi)
1300-1350   11645 (W.Asia)
1300-1435   W 17535 (B.Americi)
1400-1430   S 9425 & S 15650 (M.Anatoli)
1400-1435   11645(M.Anatoli), W  15630 (B.Americi)
1500-1600   W 9395 (Europi), 9425 (A.Europi),
                   W 11645 (Europi)
1710-1730   9425, W 11645 & W 15630 (A.Europi)
1800-1837   W 15630 (Africi), 15650 &                   W 17525 (K.Africi &N. Africi)
1800-1900   S 9425 (Europi)
1900-2000   S 7450 & 9425 (Europi)
2000-1050   S 9425 (Europi)
2000-2150   7450 (Europi), W 9425 (Australasia)
2100-2150   9425 (Australasia)
2100-2235   11645 (Australasia)
2200-2300   9425 (K.Americi)
2200-2305   S 11595 (N.Americi)

0500-0600   7430 (M.Anatoli)
0500-1950   11595 (Europi)
0500-2300   9935 (M.Anatoli)
1800-2300   7430 (M.Anatoli)

Paratheto tis syxnotites apo diki mou peira (ores scanning)
 kai me tin boithia tou International Broadcasting Services Ltd.(IBS)
Gia perissoteres plirofories gia ta sxetika me SW, dektes times ktl
proteino (den diafimizo) to 1995 Passport to World Band Radio tou
IBS (biblio).
Oi syxnotites einai oles upopsifies gia kali lipsi anexartita me ta
parapano schedules.

Kali tyxi kai kali lipsi,
Christos apo to Syracuse

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.


[Den kserw an exei sto Internet prefa, mpourlo, kserh klp. alla ama brei (h' ftiaksei :-))
kapoios tipota as mou steilei ena email. --pt.]


Merikoi Internet Chess Servers:

telnet chess.lm.com  5000 

ics.uoknor.edu    Univ. of Oklahoma
iris4.metiu.ucsb.edu   Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
coot.lcs.mit.edu      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
chess.panix.com       Panix, Inc.

anemone.daimi.aau.dk   Denmark

To kalytero einai na parete kai to graphical interface (xboard) apo to
h' apo kapoio mirror site. Ekei yparxoun kai perissoteres plhrofories.

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Tabli server

telnet ouzo.rog.rwth-aachen.de 8765
[Bgazei connection refused. Yparxei tipota newtero ???--pt.]

telnet solana.mps.ohio-state.edu 3200
telnet 3200
[Bgazei connection refused. Yparxei tipota newtero ???--pt.]

telnet fraggel65.mdstud.chalmers.se 4321
[H monh pou leitourgei ap' oti fainetai. --pt.]

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Nomos peri Metoikhshs stnv Ellada

From owner-hellas@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Tue Jul  9 14:22 EDT 1996
Reply-To: Nick Triandos 
Subject:      Nomos peri Metoikhshs sthv Ellada

Epeidh polloi exoun rwthsei kata kairous pioi kai ti mporoun na metaferoun
otav pane gia monhmh egkatastash sthv Ellada oriste kai o nomos:


"Ta atoma pou exoun th synhQh katoikia tous sto e3wteriko kai thv
metaferoun sthv Ellada gia na egkatastaQoun monimws mporoun va eisagoun me tis
proBleponemes apalages ta proswpika tous eidh (oikoskeyh kai aytokinhto).
To synolo twv apallagwv parexete kata oikogeveia kai gia mia mono fora.

Aparaithth prohpoQesh gia thv xorhghsh pistopoihtikou metoikhsews einai:

1) na mhn exei ekdoQei pote sto parelQon apo kammia allh Pro3evikh
   arxh paromoio pistopoihtiko sto onoma tou metoikountos, h' allou melous
   ths oikogevieas kai

2) O topos ston opoio diamenei synhQws o metoikwv (toulaxiston 185 hmeres ava
   dwdekamhno) va einai sto e3wteriko, opou kai Qa prepei va exei isxyrous
   proswpikous kai epaggelmatikous desmous toulaxiston ta 2 teleytaia
   dwdekamhna pro ths metoikhsews tou.

H foithsh se Panephsthmio h' allh Sxolh DEN synepagete metafota synhQous
katoikias. Ta agama evhlika paidia (avw twv 18 etwv) me dikh tous ergasia
perissotero twv dyo etwv kai 3exwristo voikokyrio, pou sthv Ellada Qa
meinoun xwrista apo thv oikogeveia, mporoun va laBoun atelws oikoskeyh kai

Mh Omogeveis, pou einai omws pavtremenoi me Ellhna h' Ellhnida Qa prepei va
proskomisoun sto Pro3eviko Grafeio adeia paramonhs kai avaloga proegkrish
askhshs eleyQerou epaggelmatos sthv Ellada.

Apoteloun proswpika eidh, ta eidh oikoskeyhs, symperilambanomenwn tou
proswpikou Hlektronikou Ypologisth (Computer), tou podhlatou, rouxismou kai
e3oplismou pou prooorizete gia proswpikh xrhsh tou dikaiouxou kai twv melwv ths
oikogeveias tou. Prokeite gia eidh oikoskeyhs pou leitourgoun me hlektrismo.
H apallagh parexete gia eva kommati apo kaQe eidos. Parexete apallagh gia
deytero kommati ap' to idio hlektiko eidos (thlewrash, forhth mexrh kai 16" ktl)
efosov dikaiologhte va yparxei avaloga me ta melh ths oikogeveias pou
metoikei. Prokeimenou gia syskeyes klimatismou Qa paradidontai toso kommatia
osa dikaiologountai gia to sygkekrimeno xwro  spitiou sto opoio diamenei
to dikaiouxo proswpo sthv Ellada.

Ta eidh oikoskeyhs mporei va einai kai kainourgia, me to oro oti
apokthQhkan sthv xwra ap' thv opoia givete h metoikesia prin thv ekdosh tou
pistopoihtikou kai avagrafovtai avalytika sthv katastash pistopoihtikou

Ta dikaiouxa proswpa pou metaferoun thv symhQh katoikia tous ap; tis hpeirous
Amerikh, Afrikh, Aystralia, Asia exoun thv ennalaktikh dynatothta h' va
eisagoun to sygkekrimeno epibatiko aytokinhto pou xrhsimopouousav ston topo
ths prohgoumenhs katoikias tous gia e3i (60 toulaxiston mnnes prin
metoikhsoun h' v; agorasoun idwtikhs xrhshs epibatiko aytokinhto kainourges,
benzinokhnito avtuppypantikhs texvologias, mexri 2.000 kybika, apo thv
egxwria aytokinhtobiomhxavia h' allh xwra ths EOK. Sthv periptwsh ayth Qa
kataBlhQei sthv Ellada o FPA. Eav pali o dikaiouxos epiQymei v' agorasei
aytokinhto pavw apo 2.000 kybika tote Qa katabalei ektos ap' ton FPA kai
to 1/3 tou synolikou eidikou forou katanalwshs pou avalogh sto
sygkekrimeno aytokinhto.

Dev einai dikaiouxoi metoikhshs oi Ellhnes Yphkooi me synhQh katoikia sthv
Ellada pou avaxwroun gia spoudes sto e3wteriko, estw kai av kata thv
diarkeia twv spoudwv tous ergazontai. Ektos eav meta thv lh3h twv spoudwv tous
paremeinan kai ergasthkan apodedeigmena pavw apo dyo (2) synexh xronia.

Epipleov apallasovtai apo dasmous kai loipous forous me e3airesh to foro
prostiQemenhs a3ias (FPA) ta epipla kai loipa kinhta eidh pou eisagontai apo
fysiko proswpo pou exei thv synhQh kaoikia tou se se xwra ths EOK. "

Aparaithta dikaiologitika Gia Metafora Oikoskeyhs sthv Ellada

1) Ola ta diabathria ths oikogeveias pou metoikei (palia kai kainourgia)
   se fwtotypies
2) Adeia odhghshs Ellhnikh h' allodaph pou va einai se isxy
3) Apodeiktika stoixeia ergasias gia ta 2 teleytaia xronia prin thv eisodo sthv
   Ellada (forologikes dhlwseis, Bebaiwsh ergodoth, Prasinh karta)
4) YpeyQynh dhlwsh tou v. 1599/66 sthv opoia va dhlwvei ton topo kai ton
   xrono ths diamonhs sto e3wteriko kaQws kai oti dev exei xrhsimopoihsei o
   evdiaferomenos h' h syzhgos tou mexrh thv dedomenh stigmh pistopoihtiko
   metoikesias stis Telwviakes arxes ths Ellada
5) Apodeiktika stoixeia katoikias gia ta 2 teleytia xronia (Apodh3h reymatos,
   thlefwvoun, verou, symbolaio evoikiasews)
6) Xartoshmo 150drx
7) Aithsh pou xorhghte apo thv D3 DieyQynsh tou Ypourgeiou E3wterikwv
8) Evtypo dhlwshs metoikhshs apo epishs xorhghte ap' thv D3 DieyQynsh tou
   YP. E3.
9) Stoixeia afi3oavaxwrisewv apo diabathria gi aapodei3h diamonhs sto
   e3wteriko perissotero apo 185 hmeres ton xrono. Apodei3h eisodou sthv Ellada
   me proskomish aeroporikou eishthriou. Apodeiktika stoixeia ekplhrwshs
   stratologikwv ypoxrewsewv.
10) Adeia kykloforias aytokinhtou
11) Avalytikh katastash eidwv oikoskeyhs

Nick Triandos

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Etaireies metaforwv apo HPA stnv Ellada

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 10:06:00 EST
From: Evmorfia Sirrakou <0006221591@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: FAQ: Etaireies metaforwv


eyxaristw toys katw0i poy moy apavtnsav stnv erwtnsn gia
etaireies metaforwv apo HPA stnv Ellada:


Gia mellovtikn avafora metaferw oti ema0a.

Kapoios moy proteive UPS gia grngorn metafora elafriwv kyriws pragmatwv.
Allos eipe oti isws symferei metafora me aeroporikn etaireia (air-cargo).
Alln idea ntav va apey0yv0w se kapoia etaireia stnv Ellada n opoia
mporei va moy proteivei kapoia Amerikavikn me tnv opoia syvergazetai.
Sav tetoia avafer0nke n:
Tel. 011-30-1-9431955
Teletrans  Tel. 011-30-1-5239316,7,8

Telos, para0etw tis etaireies:

ATLAS International Shipping
23 Meserole Ave
Brooklyn NY

775 W. Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60661
1-800-535-9635  (in Illinois (312)750-0801)

1408 Center Str
Roslindale, Boston
(617) 323-6993

3909 Eastern Ave
Highland Town, Baltimore, MD
ph. (410) 675-4696

37-08A 28th Avenue
Astoria, New York 11103
tnl: 718 728 6917
     718 728 6870
fax: 718 728 6907

23-96 48st
Astoria, NY
718-278 1058
718-278 3602

Ayta apo meva.

Na eiste kala

Egw, n Rochesteriwmevn

From: Nicos Nicolaou 
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 00:28:37 -0400 (EDT)



Nicos Nicolaou
Eav exete eisngnseis pes tes, oi 3erete kati kalutero, n' pio sigouro
apo auta pou egraya.
Evas sigouros tropos gia va parete ta pragmata sas stnv Ellada kai
stnv Kupro, eivai to Air Cargo, kai ta pairveis mazi sou otav
ta3ideueis. Pave dnladn oi 2 balitses pou dikaioumaste, kai oi
upoloipes plnrwvovtai avaloga. Dev 3erw akribws posa, ki oute av
oles oi etaireies to kavouv. Kalo eivai va to diabebaiwsete me
tnv etaireia pou exete to eisntnrio sas. Filoi mou pou prosfata
pngav Ellada auto ekavav kai tous stoixise ligotero apo $100/balitsa.
To kalo eivai oti ta pragmata ta exete me tnv afi3n sas kavovika.

Yparxei episeis to gvwsto UPS stis HPA. Alla suvn8ws gia elafra
Allos tropos eivai oi metaforikes etaireies. Auto 8elei ya3imo. Eav
pate sto International Servises Office tou pavepistnmiou sas, prepei
va exei plnrofories. Lew prepei kai to evvow. Eav dev exouv tipote
mporeite va tous to zntnsete. Eivai n douleia tous va exouv autes
tis plnrofories.
Episeis, mporouv stnv Ellada kai Kupro va rwtnsouv etaireies
gia va sas sustnsouv Amerikavikes, n' opou allou briskeste, me tis
opoies suvergazovte gia va er8ete epafn mazi tous.
Nikos Nikolopoulos                Stellei ELLADA kai KYPRO
Horizons Freight Systems, Ltd.
Chicago, IL
PIREAS INTERNATIONAL              Ships to Pireas and Cyprus
3909 Eastern Ave    
Highland Town, Baltimore, MD
ph. (410) 675-4696
fax (410) 675-7127
HERCULES                          Ships to Pireas
23-96 48st                        and from there to Cyprus
Astoria, NY
718-278 1058
718-278 3602
Edw kai 10 xronia xrhsimopoihsa thn "HERCULES" ths Astoria arketes
fores, synh0ws me allous symfoithtes gia na megalwsh to fortio tous
kai na fthnhsei to rate.  Einai kalh etaireia kai reliable.  Mian
allh fora pou esteila me mian allh etaireia agnwsth, apodeixthke
"fly-by-night" kai eksafanise ta misa pramata tou filou mou. Ta dika
mou eutyxws eftasan.
Prin 14 peripou mhnes, to kostos ths Hercules htan $6.50 to kybiko
podi (pou metafrazetai se $240.74 to kybiko metro) gia fortio panw
apo 200 kybika podia an 0ymoumai kala.
ABACO International Shippers      Ships to Cyprus
4201, W. Wrightwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
Tel:  1-800-621-4504

Olympic International Shippers    Ships to Cyprus
880 Eagle Drive
Bensenville, IL 60106
Tel:  708-595-6465

kai oi duo poulane kai hlektirka eidh me ta Eurwpaika protypa.
Pervei duo me treis mhnes gia ta kibwtia na fqasoun sthn Kypro

kai mia idea apo times:

1 m^3 is $434
4 m^3 is $1165     Add 3% for insurance.
Xrnsimopoinsa air-gargo mia fora (me BA) kai plnrwsa $800 gia 2
balitses.  Polu kakn idea, extos an o papas sou einai bouleutns!
Oso gia tn fortwtikn pou einai o ftnvoteros tropos, prepei na exeis
arketa prafmata giati se xreawnoun me to kubiko metro (kati tetoio).
Opote den boleuei panta.
Syvnthws xrnsimopoiw taxudromeio "M-bag" gia na stellw ta biblia mou
pou einai o ftnvoteros tropos pou efeurethike mexri snmera Allwspws
legetai "sakkos" mail. Pairnei 3-4 mnves kai den uparxei eggynsn oti
tha ta paralabeis. To ekama kamposes fores.

Oso gia tis 2 balitses. Dikaiousai 2 nai, alla uparxei surprise.
Otan meineis parapanw apo 24 wres sto Londino den thewreisai pia
transatlantic passenger kai plnrwneis me to kilo pia gia tn deutern
balitsa. Ths trellns dnladn. Bebaia ola allazoun suvexeis me afta ta
pragmata. H idea sou omws na dnmiourgnseis mia katastasn sxetika me
to thema gia opoion evdiaferetai, einai bebaia a3iepaivn.
KEEP IT UP, 3anamiloume an theleis pas touto.
To Air-cargo eivai pou kalo eav exeis ta lefta.  Rwta tnv etaireia
pou petas va sou pei leptomereies. Duo filoi mou pnrav ola tous ta
pragmata me $500. Htav duo atoma ki ekavav 2 xrovia edw, kai
mazi eixav evav upologistn. Gia va exeis miav idea. Ki alla paidia
apavtnsav oti eivai kaln me8odos.
Alles etaireies xwris prosfates diabebaiwseis
ATLAS International Shipping
23 Meserole Ave
Brooklyn NY
37-08A 28th Avenue
Astoria, New York 11103
tnl: 718 728 6917
     718 728 6870
fax: 718 728 6907
775 W. Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60661
1-800-535-9635  (in Illinois (312)750-0801)
1408 Center Str
Roslindale, Boston
(617) 323-6993

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Internet providers sthn Ellada

[To FAQ "Internet in Greece" kalyptei plhrws to 0ema ayto, 
enw edw yparxoun merika mono stoixeia. --pt.]

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 17:16:23 +0300
From: Nikolaos Makrymanolakis nmakry@ATHENA.COMPULINK.GR

Epeidh polla paidia me exoyn rothsei gia thn compulink kai genika
gia thn paroxh internet account sthn ellada, sas grafo edo merika
pragmata kai parakalo na to krathsete osoi endiafereste giati
einai dyskolo na apantao ston kathena xexorista grafontas ta idia
pragmata kathe toso...

Loipon, h compulink parexei plhres internet (ektos apo usenet
ayth th stigmh to opoio omos apo oti lene tha mpei apo Oktobrh)
me misthomenh grammh 19200 pros to ITE sthn Krhth. H taxythta
einai ikanopoihtikh, an kai me polloys xrhstes peftei. To kostos
einai 9000 to trimhno, alla prepei na dothoyn kai alles 9000 to
trimhno gia to basic pack poy einai aparaithto gia prosbash sto
systhma. Ara, 18000/trimhno (o ellaxistos xronos einai 3 mhnes).
Epishs xreiazontai 5000 gia eggrafh (ayta dinontai mia fora for
life). Ayta kalyptoyn 2 ores th mera prosbash. Yparxei h
dynatothta gia extra ores prosbashs, oi opoies stoixizoyn apo
100-250 drx h mia analoga me thn posothta agoras. Telos, tha
prepei na anafero oti se 6mhnes kai 12mhnes syndromes yparxoyn
shmantikes ekptoseis (an den kano lathos einai 30000 to 6mhno,
kai 50000 to ethsio gia tis parapano yphresies).

Allh bash poy parexei internet einai h HOL (Hellas On-Line).
Aytoi parexoyn plhres internet (kai pali xoris usenet) me dialup
grammh 14400 pros to ITE. H taxythta einai sxedon ikanopoihtikh.
To kostos einai 15000 to examhno (den exei oyte eggrafh oyte
tipota). H monh paraxenia einai oti to mail den parexetai mesa
apo ton internet server alla apo to bbs programma poy
xrhsimopoioyn (Major BBS). Pisteyo oti tha to allaxoyn kai aytoi to
fthinoporo. Ayto einai ligo abolo gia polla kai megala mhnymata,
alla ginetai doyleia. To poso ayto perilambanei 2 ores thn hmera
sto internet, kai alles 4 sth bbs, symperilambanomenoy kai toy
internet mail. Ayto shmainei oti to mail mporei na to
prospelaynei kapoios 6 ores th mera. Den yparxei h dynatothta gia
extra ores.

Mia allh epilogh ths HOL einai to internet mail mono.  Ayto
stoixizei 10000 to xrono gia 2 ores th mera. To mail einai to
idio me to parapano, mono poy den yparxei internet access. Ayto
einai kalo gia osoys theloyn mia oikonomikh mail epafh me toys
dikoys toys...

Internet mail dinei kai h Forum (ekei an den kano lathos einai h
Penny Soteres, opote an endiaferete kapoios na th rothsei, giati
ego den exo perissoteres plhrofories).

Telos, yparxei kai h Ariadnh, me 1 ora thn hmera kai 10000+18%
FPA to trimhno. Omos ekei plhronete kai to xoro sto disko (me tis
10000 dinontai 500KB, kai meta 1000 drx ta 500KB mexri ta 2MB
synolo). Xoris na eimai sigoyros prepei na einai h pio grhgorh
ap' oles, alla mallon h pio akribh.

Apo tis baseis aytes, ego xero mono th clink na parexei prosbash
meso internet (telnet). Ayto shmainei oti an kapoios thelei
mporei na kanei syndromh se kapoio paketo ths clink kai na
mpainei apo to account toy sto exoteriko. Stis alles baseis
apaiteitai thlefonhma...

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 02:04:26 -0700
From: Eleftherios Gkioulekas 

 Edw va pros0esw kai to parakatw:

>From dimitris@hypernet.hyper.gr Mon Aug  1 03:52:41 1994
From: Dimitris Hatzopoulos 

H Hypernet einai systhma online yphresiwn, kauws kai Internet provider
me th diafora oti den prosferei apla ena shell sto UNIX, opws ola ta
alla systhmata poy gnwrizw sthn Ellada, alla plhres dialup TCP/IP (PPP,
SLIP etc).

Prosferei ola ta services toy Internet, alla kai syndesh se oloys toys
shmantikoys hosts poy yparxoyn (oxi apo to Internet, kai exoyn xrewsh)
gia xrhsh apo epixeirhseis kai epaggelmaties (dikhgoroys, giatrous, mhxa-
nikoys), gia Koinotikh Nomouesia (Eyrvpaikh Enwsh), Bibliografikes Baseis
Dedomenwn gia Iatrikh Bibliografia, kai emporikes plhrofories klp.

Poly syntoma h Hypernet ua prosferei yphresies poy ua apeyuynontai se
computer enthousiasts poy ueloyn na ejereynhsoyn to Internet se bauos.

Dimitris Hatzopoulos,
Hypernet Information and Research Network

>From dimitris@hypernet.hyper.gr Tue Aug  2 06:01:30 1994
From: Dimitris Hatzopoulos 

>   Mporeite va mou dwsete tnv dieu0uvsn kai to tnlefwvo sas gia va ta
> diabibasw stous filous mou? Av 0elete, 0a ntav kaln idea gia sas va
> balete plnrofories gia tis upnresias sas se anon-ftp n sto finger.

Ta thlefwna einai +30 31 279659, 269346. To fax +30 31 279858. H
dieyuynsh ths Hypernet einai

Ermou 57
Thessaloniki 54623

skeftomaste omws na metaferuoyme se ligotero kentriko xwro ;-)

Sth Hypernet leitoyrgei anon-ftp server kai gopher server. Akoma den
exoyme balei enhmerwtiko yliko online, kyriws giati to eyros twn
yphresiwn einai arketa megalo kai ta sxetika files einai 100+ KB.
Ta organwnoyme omws se HTML (w3) wste na einai eykoloterh h anagnwsh
toys (trexei web-server, apla einai mono topikos).

Mesa sta sxedia mas einai ena EDI-clearinghouse, WAIS server, kauws
kai h dhmioyrgia ellhnikwn distributed databases. To endiaferon mas
estiazetai kyriws sthn ajia twn plhroforiwn poy prosferoyme, para
stis thlepikoinwniakes yphresies kau'eaytes. (Proswpika bebaia xairomai
na sthnw kaue neo UNIX software poy kykloforei sto diktyo, kai caxnw
synexeia gia alles texnologies/prwtokolla, X.400, OSI klp).

Eyxaristw gia thn enuarrynsh kai tis eyxes.


Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 12:48:00 +0300
From: Nikolaos Makrymanolakis nmakry@ATHENA.COMPULINK.GR

Loipon gia thlefona kai dieythynseis, xero mono ths compulink kai ths HOL.


L. Syggroy 44
117 42, Athhna
THL. 923.8672-5,
FAX: 921.6847
(ypopshn kas. Rapth)
Plhrofories apo email: sysmgr@athena.compulink.gr
                       (Giorgos Lygerakhs)

146 71, Nea Erythraia
THL. 620 3047
     620 3040

Otan bro kai ta ypoloipa stoixeia tha ta steilo...

Mia allagh poy egine einai oti apo shmera kai sth HOL ginetai prosbash
meso internet (telnet) sthn dieythynsh hol.gr (den to exo
dokimasei, eno an den kano lathos to IP einai eno symfona me
plhrofories anamenetai kai sth HOL na topotheththei leased line (opos kai
ths compulink).

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Enhmerwsh - Synarmologhste to diko sas PC!

Date:  Fri Oct 14 08:49:00 1994
From:  Thanos Voudouris (thanos@vlsi41.gsfc.nasa.gov)

*** Ligo megalo, alla good info.  Fyla3te to kai diabasma argotera ***

Meta apo kanena dymhno erevnas, telika ekana update to palio PC.  Eixa/exw ena
 Gateway 386/25DX pou to eixa parei to 1989 gia $2400.  Tote htan to
 top-of-the-line.  Fysika meta apo ligo bghke to 386/33Mhz, kai argotera ta
 486s, kai twra ta Pentiums.  Dhladh otan pairneis hlektronika, se mono merikous
 mhnes oi times peftoun kai kalytera/grhgorotera machines bgainoun sto market.
Loipon den mporeis na perimeneis gia panta dioti den 9a parhs pote tipota.
 Apofasisa na kanw thn avaria kai na kanw "Upgrade" to computer kai na parw ena
 17" monitor kai oxi to 14" pou eixa.  H ypo9esi htan oti afou eixa skopo gia
 PCI bus, den glytwna polla lefta na kanw upgrade, etsi phra thn apofasi na
 krathsw to palio gia ta dyo pitsirikia mou, kai na parw ane Pentium gia mena.
Me ta idia lefta pou 3odepsa, mporei kaneis na parei kapio machine etoimo, alla
 h9ela na diale3w egw ta parts kai na ta balw opws 9elw.  Den einai kai poly
 dyskolh douleia alla prepei na 3ereis kati apo computers.

Sas ta grafw ola ayta gia na parete mia idea kai na deite ta h/w pou diale3a kai
 to cost idiaitera gia enhmerwsh kai suggrisi timwn gia osous skeptontai na
 agorasoun 'h na kanoun upgrade IBM PC.

1.  Intel board w/Pentium 90 and heat_sink/fan    $985
2.  8MB 72_pin 60nsec memory  ($132/4MB)          $264
3.  730MB Western Digital WD2700 IDE Hard Disk    $308
4.  Diamond Stealth 64 PCI video w/2MB VRAM       $289
5.  Full Tower case w/250W and 6 front bays        $79
6.  101 key keyboard                               $21
7.  Microsoft Mouse                                $22
                                                 $1968  -- Total Cost so far

8.  SONY 17" Flat Trinitron GDM-17SE1             $938  -- melontikh agora
9.  NEC triple speed CD-ROM                       $300  -- melontikh agora
10. 1.44 MB TEAC floppy                             *   -- to eixa
11. SoundBlaster Pro                                *   -- to eixa
12. 2nd mikro (40MB) disk drive gia backups         *   -- melontikh agora

Ayta einai ta kalytera h/w sto market ayth ti stigmh kai pistevw kai oi
 kalyteres times shmera  (se kanena mhna apo twra 9a einai fthnotera).  Kanw mia
 analysi twra gia ta components:

1.  To Intel motherboard einai to kalytero apo ola ta alla.  Perilambanei sto
 board, enhanced PCI IDE controller/connectors, ta grhgorotera UARTs, kai Flash
 BIOS pou einai eykola na ginoun updated me software.  Meta apo to Pentium 90
 CPU, to core-logic chip-set einai to pio important.  Exei loipon to 82434NX
 Neptune chip-set, made by Intel, pou einai to grhgorotero.  Alla boards
 xrhsimopoioun to OPTi chip-set to opoio einai basika VLB technology alla trexei
 sto PCI.  Etsi to OPTi den einai tuned opws prepei gia 64bit burst transfers.
 To P90 9elei 3.3volts kai oxi 5 volts opws to P60, etsi to CPU trexei cooler.
 Xreiazetai heat-sink epanw tou alla oxi ypoxrewtika th CPU fan opws to P60.

2.  Texas Instruments 60 nanoseconds memory, einai ligosta available.  Prepei
 kaneis na psa3ei ligo gia na brh.  To 70nsecs einai pio eykolo na bre9h.  H
 etairia den exei kai poly shmasia, to memory speed einai pio important.

3.  To WD2700 exei 12ms access time.  To enhanced IDE sto PCI bus einai 10-30%
 faster apo to regular SCSI.  Prepei na psa3ei kaneis poly gia na brh aythn thn
 timh (41Cents per MB).

4.  The Stealth exei 64-bit video circuitry kai perilambanei Windows
 acceleration.  VRAM einai faster apo to DRAM.  H idia card me DRAM kostizei

5.  To full-tower case einai, kalytera na parh kaneis dioti ka9etai sto patwma
 kai exei polla bays gia pros93seis, CD-ROM, tape-backup, disks klp.  Ta
 perissotera "exposed" bays, to kalytero gia synthrish.  To important einai to
 power supply na einai 250Watts kai epanw, oxi 200W.

6.  Keyboard, pairnei kaneis oti nomizei einai kalytero sta daktyla tou.

7.  To MS mouse exei gia mena kalo fit sto xeri kai ta drivers einai eykola na
 ta brhs gia update.  An parhs apo alles etairies to mouse tote mporei na exhs
 problhma gia drivers support.

8.  Ayto to SONY exei .25 aperture grill, flat screen, max display 1600X1280,
 refresh rate 100Hz (the best) sto 1024X768, kai fysika einai trinitron.  Gia
 mena to trinitron tube exei kalyterh, pio ka9arh eikona apo to "shadow mask"
 typo tubes.  Exei to kalytero "picushioning" (ena metrhma gia to poso isia
 einai mia poly adynath grammh apo th mia meria tou screen mexri thn allh), kai
 apo to ligotero "misconvergence" (ta beams me ta tria basika xrwmmata peftoun
 oso pio konta sto idio shmeio).  To Nokia 447X  einai epishs kalo (kanei use
 SONY trinitron tube) alla einai pio akribo, isws dioti erxetai apo th
 Skandinavia.  To monitor einai to pio important (next to CPU performance),
 dioti ka9esai kai ayto blepeis olh thn wra.  Prepei na einai kalo gia ta matia.

9.  CD-ROM aparaithto gia multimedia.  Ta perissotera apps kai resources twra
 erxonta se CD.  Prepei na dia9esei kanei $300 gia na perh to ligotero ena
 triple-speed drive.  H taxyths einai poly important.  Ta quad-speed drives
 bghkan molis twra kai einai aplhsiasta se kapou $600 epipedo.

10. Me $50 pairneis kati.  Oxi kai poly sobaro 9ema.  An 9elei kaneis kai to
 5.25 floppy tote kalytera na parh ena enswmatomeno pou na ta exei kai ta dyo
 epanw.  Aytos o typos floppy exei gyrw sta $90.

11. To sound card einai perizhthto gia sound.  Exw to SoundBlaster card gia
 xronia twra kai den eixa kanena problhma.

12. To tape backup einai enta3y epishs.  Gia mena pali ena 2nd disk einai
 kalytera gia backup.  Allwste kanw backup mono "my work" kai oxi olla ta
 installed software.  Ena 250MB tape unit costizei gyrw sta $150, plus $10 gia
 ka9e tape.  Ena used mikro HD 9a mou kostisei ligotero, kai grhgorotera

Lessons learned:
   a) Enhmerwse ton eayto sou. (diabase computer magazines klp).
   b) Epishmane tis anagkes sou kai diale3e to katalhlo processor.  Prospa9hse,
      an to xrhmmatiko epitrepei na diale3eis h/w me to latest technology.
   c) Agorase to "Computer Shopper" ($3 me 1000 selides computer diafhmhseis
      mono - Big) kai grapse katw ola ta parts kai BEST prices pou exeis brh.
   d) Koita pote exei Computer Show sth perioxh sou kai phgene (~$6 eisodos)
   e) Sto Show, koita around, epeshmane tis kalyteres times (10-20% better
      apo ayta pou brikes sto book).
   f) Sto Show, phgene se ena booth apo "local store" kai pazarepse na kanei
      "match" to best price.  Einai kalytera ne agorashs apo local vendor se
      periptwsi pou kati den doulevei gia na to epistrepseis eykola.  Dioti
      sta Computer Shows exei vendors apo olh thn Amerikh.

Mia allh me9odos gia kalh timh einai na koita3h kaneis sto USENET katw apo 
ton titlo:

Edw 9a breite kapou 2000 mails apo diafhmiseis for_sale.  Ekana ena post edw
gia to video card me titlo "WANTED video card"  kai egrapsa ta description
ti xreiazome.  Elaba polla mails, kai etsi phra to video card.  Se na apo ta
mails ema9a kai kapio meros pou kanontas "finger" ma9aineis tis teleytaies
times.  Ayto to mail order place exei POLY FTHNES times:

                finger baker@ocf.Berkeley.EDU

Pistevw na diafwthsa osous apo sas endiaferontai gia ayta ta pragmata. 
An exete erwthseis, eyxaristws na apanthsw.
Gia osous exoun alla interests, sygnwmh an sas kourasa.

__|__~~~~~~~~~~~     Thanos (apo perixwra Leykou Oikou )
  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~     thanos@vlsi.gsfc.nasa.gov
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     HELLAS_W3   http://www.greece.org/hellas/

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Greek font me tonous gia PC Windows 3.1

Date:  Fri Oct 14 08:49:00 1994
From:  Thanos Voudouris  

Dyo Greek fonts me tonous gia english version tou MS Windows: 
  - WinGreek
  - Sfonts

WinGreek Version 1.9 - June 2, 1993 by A. Fountain and P. Gentry

WinGreek einai Shareware program gia syxrona kai arxaia Ellhnika, 
se Windows me TrueType font for all printers supported in Win 3.1

Exei OLOUS tous tonous, apo thn aplh o3eia mexri kai diairesh kai
upogegramenh gia osous endiaferontai kai gia arxaia Ellhnika!
Epishs afou einai TryeType font, exoume WYSIWYG opws lene
(What You See Is What You Get) metaxy ti fainetai sthn o9onh kai
ti 9a ginh print sto printer.
To WinGreek, den einai editor.  Einai ena program san TSR kai
trexei mazi me oti windows editor.  Etsi synexizei kaneis na 
xrhsimopoiei to editor pou exei.  Aplws kaneis "select" apo to
font manu to "Greek font".  An exete kai to Word for Windows tote 
einai poly eykolh h xrhsh tou WinGreek alla kai to Write for 
windows einai enta3i.  Se deka lepta to ekana install sto PC mou
kai eixa kales entypwseis kai apo pleyras odhgeiwn gia to 
installation alla kai th xrhsi tou.

Oi syggrafeis zhtane MONO $35 kai ta a3izei.

To SFONTS10.ZIP einai ena true type font kai to mono pou xreiazetai
einai na ginh installed sta windows fonts.  Poly eykoles kai
aples odhgeies 9a brhte sto read-me file otan to kanete unzip.

To programata mporeitai na ta parete apo to ftp site:  
     ftp oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/win3/font/wgreek.zip

'h mesw tou HELLAS_WWW ws e3eis:
  http://velox.stanford.edu/hellas   kai meta click:
     - the [Only WWW] page you will ever need
       - Mother of all archives [CICA[
         - [CICA PC/Windows FTP Archive]
           - [oak.oakland.edu]  ('h diale3te allo site apo th lista)
             - [Simtel/]
               - [win3/]
                 - [font/] 

Kanw attached ena keimeno pou ekana se gif se diaforetika font
mege9h xrhsimopoiwntas olous tous xarakthres me thn seira opws
einai sto plhktrologio gia na deite pws fainetai.

__|__~~~~~~~~~~~     Thanos (apo perixwra Leykou Oikou )
  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~     thanos@vlsi.gsfc.nasa.gov
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     HELLAS_W3   http://velox.stanford.edu:80/hellas/

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Plhrofories sxetika me to IRC

> Re paidia,
> Exw ena mhna pou dokimazw na brw to #hellas 'h to #greece sto server mou
> tou irc kai tipota... Exw episis dokimasei to server sto BU ka0ws kai
> auto sto caen.fr.eu.undernet.org .  Xrhsimoupiountai ayta ta channels pia
> 'h oxi?

From: ioannis e tambouras 
Date:         Fri, 24 Feb 1995 12:48:48 -0500

 Uparxouv pola irc (i.g. EFN, undernet, overnet,...)
 Ka0e irc apoteleite opo (as poume 7, giati o ari0mos diaferei) servers.
 To #hellas, #makedonia eivai sto EFN irc.
 Gia va xrhsimopoinsns to irc prepei na metaxhrisths eva irc client kai eva
 irc server.

 Gia irc server, epeidn 0eleis na pas sto #hellas, 0a 0eleis evan tou EFN.

 Gia irc client exeis duo ekloges:
               (1) Na kanei install to irc client sto diko sou account (400k),
                   Ean to pavepnsthmio to exei hdn kavei, tote den xreiazetai.
                   Kave eva "$ irc" gia na ma0eis eav to exouv hdh.
                   Auth eivai h kalutern eklogn eav skopeueis na metaxhrizese
                   taktika to irc. Epishs me eukolia mboreis  na sunde0eis me
                   opoio irc server 0eleis (opioudhpote irc).

               (2) Na kaveis telnet kapou pou eidn exouv to irc client.
                   Autn h eklobh eivai asxhmh. 0a deis oti to irc session 0a
                   eivai mallon argo.
                   Episns (ke pio spoudaio), den 0a se afhsoun na diale3ns
                   na sunde0hs me opio server 0eleis. Auth hdn exouv eva irc
                   server gia olous ws default. Den pmoreis na to alla3hs.
                   Eav sou etuxe ke se ekavan sundesh me eva EFN server, kalws.
                   Eav to defaults tous evai eva Undernet server, to movo pou
                   mboreis na kaveis evai ka kaveis telnet kapou allou.

Gia irc Overview, Tutorial, Primer:

Servers: (Undernet)                    us.undernet.org - Central USA
                           pasadena.ca.us.undernet.org - West coast USA
                             boston.ma.us.undernet.org - East coast USA
                                       eu.undernet.org - Europe
                                       ca.undernet.org - Canada
                                       au.undernet.org - Australia

Servers (EFN)                               csz.bu.edu - USA
                                      irc.colorado.edu - USA
                                          irc.uiuc.edu - USA
                                   serv.eng.abdn.ac.uk - UK
                                       shrug.dur.ac.uk - UK
                                    stork.doc.ic.ac.uk - UK
                              supercomputer.swan.ac.uk - UK
                                 fennel.compnews.co.uk - UK

Telnet-Clients: (Undernet)               sci.dixie.edu 6677
Telnet-Clients: (EFN)                    telnet kaktus.kemi.aau.dk 1001

From: Nikos Panagiotopoulos (npanag@demokritos.cc.duth.gr)
Date:         Thu, 23 Feb 1995 13:23:51 +0200

Ti server einai auta pou mpaineis? Autoi oi server
den einai syndedemenoi me to kentriko irc kai den exoun ta die0nh kanalia
dokimase to server irc.univ-lyon1.fr
h ton server
h opoion allon mpainei sto kentriko irc.

Gia ena IRC-primer des sta 



Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Diey0ynsh kai diadikasies tou DIKATSA

geia xara sas...

ta parakatw eivai mia lista me ta xartia xreiazomaste
va avagvwrisouv ta ptuxia tou e3wterikou sto DIKATSA.

euxomai va sas eivai xrnsimo..

penny . . .en bella grecia

tax d/vsn: l. suggrou 112  a0nva 117 41
tnl: 92.22.533  , 92.37.835
telefax: 30 1 92.18.052
telex: 21.81.37 DIKA GR

Wres Ypodoxns Koivou : 9pm - 2mm ka0nmeriva ektos paraskeun.


a)aitnsn (xorngeitai apo tn grammateia)
b)parabolo. eva gia ka0e krivomevo titlo spoudwv. xorngeitai
movo apo tnv Trapeza tns Ellados (ari0mos 26031/5) (7168drx)
c)Ypeu0uvn dnlwsn tou ar0. 8 tou N 1599/86. 0a dnlwvetai oti:

        ii)o topos stov opoio pragmatopoin0nkav oi spoudes

d)GIA TOUS ALLODAPOUS: adeia paramovns stnv Ellada n apodeiktika
stoixeia oti paramevei vomima stn xwra mas (N. 1975/91,

2.Krisn Basikou Pavepistnmiakou Titlou Spoudwv
a) Apolutnrio n Apodeitiko apolutnriou Leukeiou n eksataksiou
gumvasiou n allou isotimou.
Eav oi spoudes Deteroba0mias Ekpaideusns exouv pragmatopoin0ei sto
E3WTERIKO prepei va upobln0ei o katalnktikos Titlos autou tou Kuklou
Spoudwv, suvodeuomevos apo mia bebaiwsn armodias arxns tns xwras
pou exei ekdo0ei (px. Morfwtikos Akolou0os tns avtistoixns Presbeias
stnv Ellada). H bebaiwsn 0avaferei oti o Titlos autos parexei stov
katoxo tou to dikaiwma eggrafns se AEI tns xwras proeleusns autou.

b)Titlos pou prokeitai va kri0ei. Stis periptwseis pou sumfwva me tov
Kavovismo tou Idrumatos xorngeitai kai evdiamesos Titlos Spoudwv 0a
prepei va katati0etai kai autos.

g) Pistopointiko ma0nmatwv olwv twv etwv foitnsns.

3. Krisn Metaptuxiakou Titlou Spoudwv n Didaktorikou Diplwmatos
a) Avtigrafo Ptuxiou /Diplwmatos Ellnvikou AEI. Stis periptwseis
pou oi basikes spoudes exouv pragmatopoin0ei se AEI tns Allodapns
prepei va upobln0ei n Pra3n (Bebaiwsn) avagvwrisns tou Basikou
Titlou Spoudwv. Eav dev exei avagvwristei o Basikos Titlos Spoudwv
isxuouv ta tns paragrafou 2.

b) Titlos pou prokeitai va kri0ei
g)Pistopointiko ma0nmatwv, eav apaitouvtai ma0nmata sto  programma
d)Ergasia n Didaktorikn Diatribn. (Epistrefetai meta to peras tns avagvwrisns)
e) Perilnpsn Didaktorikns Diatribns sta Ellnvika.

4.Gevikes Paratnrnseis.
a)Ta 3evolglwssa dikaiologntika pou avaferovtai stis paragrafous 2 kai 3:

        i)0a katati0evtai se fwtoavtigrafa episnma epikurwmeva. H
        epikurwsn givetai kai apo tnv Ypnresia mas me tnv epideiksn twv

        ii)0a prepei va eivai episnma metafrasmeva apo armodia arxn
        (px Yp. E3wterikwv n dikngoro)

b)O krivomevos titlos prepei va eivai 0ewrnmevos gia tn gvnsiotnta twv
upografwv, pou ferei sumfwva me tn sumbasn tns Xagns n apo tnv
Ellnvikn Pro3evikn Arxn stn xwra proeleusns tou.

g)otav to Idruma n n Sxoln n to Tmnma sto opoio exouv pragmatopoin0ei
oi Spoudes, dev avaferovtai stov Katalogo twv avagvwrismevwv AEI
tou DIKATSA, prepei va katate0ei kai Odngos Spoudwv. Gevika gia basikes
spoudes se AEI twv HPA, kavada, australias, N Afrikns outws n allws
prepei va tatati0etai avalutika programma spoudwv tou Tmnmatos

d)Gia spoudes se AEI tou Hvwmevou Basileiou, HPA, Belgiou kai Gallias me
eu9uvn tou aitouvtos prepei apo to Idruma proeleusns va stalei APEY0EIAS
(oxi gia to pou edreuei to Idruma)

e) Gia spoudes stis HPA prepei va katati0etai to episnmo pistopointiko
ma0nmatwv (official transcript)

st) Eivai stn euxereia tou aitouvtos va exei zntnsei apo to Pavepistnmio,
pou goitnse, va stalei APEY0EIAS sto DIKATSA to pistopointiko ma0nmatwv kai
 bebaiwsn lnpsns tou krivomevou Titlou Spoudwv.
Me auto tov tropo o aitwv apalassetai tns upoxrewsns va exei 0ewrnsei
tov krivomevo Titlo spoudwv gia tnv gvnsiotnta twv upografwv.

z)ta dikaiologntika pou katati0evtai dev epistrefovtai ektos bebaiws twv

n)Dieukrivizetai oti to DIKATSA diatnrei to dikaiwma va zntnsei stoixeia sxetika
 me tis spoudes tou aitouvtos pera twv parapavw avaferomevwv.
Episns o aitwv exei dikaiwma va kata0esei otidnpote bon0aei stnv
dieu0etnsn tns upo0esns tou.

0) Ka0e stoixeio pou katati0etai eivai aporrnto kai dev koivopoieitai
se tritous para movo meta apo Eisaggelikn Evtoln n Eggrafn sugkata0esn
tou evdiaferomevou.

O odngos spoudwv tou idrumatos. Eav eivai grammevos se glwssa eurews
omiloumevn dev xreiazetai va metagrastei (px agglika gallika germavika
italika), diaforetika eivai aparaitntn n metafrasn tou.

a)Apo tov aitouvta me tnv epideiksn tns tatutotntas tou
b)O aitwv efosov kata0esei avaloga grammatosnma (gia sustnmevn
epistoln) kai xartosnma eksafalizei tnv apostoln tns sxetikns
apavtnsns dia tou Taxudromeiou.
g)Apo trito me episnmn eksousiodotnsn apo tov aitouvta.

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Visa: Kapoies plhrofories gia F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2

From: Alexandros Moukas alexmo@aisb.ed.ac.uk
Date:         Sun, 16 Apr 1995 17:14:49 +0100

Synopsizw ta mail pou elaba mhpws endiaferetai kai kapoios allos/h.

PROSOXH: Ta parakatw einai gnwmes gnwstwn kai Hellasitwn. Mhn basisteite
         se ayta gia na apofasisete gia thn dikh sas visa. Gia 0emata 
         opws ayto prepei na symbouleyes0e **panta** kai to amerikaniko 
         proxeneio h/kai to panepisthmio stis HPA pou 0a ekdwsei ta 
         dikaiologitika gia thn visa sas.

F-1 Visa einai student visa, enw h J-1 mporei na einai kai student kai
exchange. Kai me tis dyo mporeis na doylepseis part-time in-campus (me
thn J-1 mporeis na doulepseis kai full-time off-campus alla gia
academic training). An exeis J-1 mporoun epishs na doulepsoun
full-time kai oi dependent sou (spouses & children), oi opoioi 0a
exoun J-2 visa. Se periptwsh pou exeis F-1 visa opote oi dependents sou
exoun F-2, den mporoun na doulepsoun.  Epishs an exeis J-1 PREPEI
na exeis asfalhsh ews $50,000/atyxhma. H J-1 xreiazetai (typikh)
ananewsh ka0e xrono.

Yparxei epishs option sthn J-1 an se kanoun sponsor government h alla
hmi-epishma agencies na prepei na gyriseis sthn patrida sou gia 2
xronia meta to peras twn spoudwn sou. Ap'oti mou eipan h J-1 exei
dyo options otas thn ekdidoun: to ena einai oti den ypokeitai ston
periorismo twn 2 xronwn, to allo einai oti ypokeitai. To option
pou 0a epilextei exartatai apo thn ekdotria arxh.

Enw thewritika prepei na fygeis gia 2 xronia apo tis HPA kai na pas na
doulepseis sthn patrida sou, ousiastika arkei na fygeis gia 2 xronia
apo tis HPA. Den elegxoun pou pas kai ti kaneis. Sxetika me ayto, apo
plhroforia enos allou Hellasith: Kapoioi mathites (grad) eixan parei
J-1 visa me thn ypoxrewsh na fygoun apo tis HPA gia 2 xronia meta to
peras twn spoudwn tous. Se tesseris periptwseis pou exei yp'opsin tou
*kanenas* den mporese na apofygei ta 2 xronia. Oloi phgan dikastika
kai merikoi phran gramma apo thn presbeia ths xwras tous (Kypros) oti
h Kypriakh Kybernhsh tous dinei exairesh apo ta 2 xronia (ek twn
ysterwn, ka0oti eixan parei ta xrhmata ths ypotrofias tous apo
Fulbright). Par' ola ayta h amerikanikh kybernhsh (INS) arnh0ike na to
dextei kai anagkastikan na fygoun apo tis HPA. Ypenthimizw oti to
parapanw afora paidia me J-1 visa pou eixe ekdo0ei apo thn arxh me ton
periorismo twn 2 etwn. J-1 visa mporei (?) na ekdothei kai xwris ayton
ton periorismo alla dinetai dyskola. Symfwna me allh phgh pali polla
panepisthmia dinoun F-1 gia grad students kai thn allazoun se J-1 gia

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Mail Filters (procmail, elm)

Date:         Thu, 1 Jun 1995 15:22:38 +0100
From: Alexandros Moukas 
Subject:      Mail Filters (procmail)
To: Multiple recipients of list HELLAS 

Peri mail filters o logos. Xrhsimopoiw procmail gia thn Hellas kai
thn Hellenism (nai, tis bazw sto idio folder ;-).

To systhma leitourgei ws exhs: allazete to .forward arxeio
pou briskete sto home directory sas se kati tou styl:

"| /usr/local/bin/procmail #alexmo"

Ta eisagwgika **EINAI APARAITHTA**. Anti gia #alexmo bazete to user
name sas (px #asteras). Ennoeitai oti allazete kai to path tou
procmail an den brisketai sto parapanw directory.

Sthn synexeia dhmiourgeite ena arxeio onomati .procmailrc (pali sto
homedir sas: $HOME/.procmailrc) to opoio periexei ta exhs:

     MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail      #you'd better make sure it exists

     :0 B
     * uuencode

     * ^TOhellas

     * ^TOhellenism

     * ^SUBJECT:Hotflash

     :0 HB
     * aek-l

Ti shmainoun ola ayta? Plhrofories mporeite na breite kanontas
man procmail, man procmailrc kai man procmailex. En syntomia:

H prwth grammh asxoleitai me to path sas. Allaxte ta analogws me to
pou briskontai ta binary sas. H deyterh prepei na xerei pou tha einai
to default directory tou email sas.  H trith (DEFAULT) einai to pou
brisketai to mailfolder sas.  Oi perissoteroi mailers lene pou einai
to default folder.  Telos to arxeio pou orizete ws LOGFILE krataei
audit trails me to pou swthikan poia mhnymata.

Ta parakatw twra:

     :0 B                // dinei entolh sto procmail na kanei search
     * uuencode          // (grep, epitrepei kai regular expressions)
     acrogate_qwk.mbox   // sto Body tou mhnymatos gia "uuencode".
                         // An to brei swzei to mhnyma sto folder
                         // acrogate_qwk.mbox (pou tha brisketai sto
                         // MAILDIR)

To deytero paradeigma swzei ola ta mhnymata pou stalthikan pros
hellas. Edw den psaxnei to Body tou mhnymatos alla mono to TO field
(To caret (^) prin apo to TO dhlwnei prokeitai gia to
TO field tou header tou mhnymatos). Osa mhnymata exoun stalthei pros
hellas loipon swzontai sto hellas.mbox folder.

To trito paradeigma einai antistoixo.
To tetarto psaxnei anti gia to TO filed to SUBJECT field gia mia
sygkekrimenh lexh (Hotflash) kai swzei ta mhnymata sto hotwired.mbox
Telos to teleytaio paradeigma psaxnei kai to header kai to body tou
mhnymatos (ex ou kai to HB) gia to string aek-l, to opoio an yparxei
opoudhpote sto mhnyma, swzete sto folder aek.mbox.

To procmail exei para polles dynatothtes diaxwrismou mhnymatwn. Edw
dothikan aplws kapoia apla paradeigmata pou einai xrhsima gia thn
Hellas. Perissoteres plhrofories sta man pages.


Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 18:54:46 -0500
From: Nick Triandos 
Subject: Re: elm - filter


 Sto .elm/filter-rules Bale:

  if (from = "doe@somewhere.edu" and subject = "test") then
   save ~/special/doe

  Sthv parapavw periptwsh ta emails pou Qa sou erxovtai Qa mpaivouv kateyQeiav
  sto folder xwris va ta ta Blepeis sthv oQonh sou... opote Qa prepei va
  Qymase va tsekareis ta folders.  Eav Qeleis va to kaveis gia perisoterous tote
  Qa prepei va Baleis kai alla filtra.  Oti isxyei gia tous normal users isxyei
  kai gia tis listes.  To mono pragma pou Qa prepei va prose3eis einai oti
  stis listes Qa sou erxontai mynhmata apo diaforetika nodes opote koita3e
  ta headers (xthshmopoihse "h") va deis apo poia nodes erxontai kai meta
  Bale filtra gia ayta ta nodes sto ~/.elm/filter-rules.

Nikos Kontodhmos wrote:
> As upo0esoume oti 0elw osa mails mou erxontai apo ton:
> John Doe 
> 0elw na phgainoun sto file:
> ~/special/doe
> Pws kanw to filter tou elm na mou kanei auth thn douleia? Epishs, an to
> mail mou erxetai mesw ths listas:
> Lista Argosxolwn 
> pws kanw to elm filter na ta steilei sto folder:
> ~/special/argosxoloi
> Moutsas Gra0ias Amigkos
> Nikos en Froutwpia in ante na baloume kai emeis kana filtraki mode

Gyrise pisw ston Pinaka Periexomenwn.

Sthn dhmiourgia tou katalogou boh0hsan (emmesa h' amesa) oi

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