A True Story
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towers and through military operations, as well as by political means. With the full cooperation of the authoritarian administration in Tehran and the fascist regime of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, Turkey has succeeded in carrying out a series of genocidal attacks against the Kurdish population.

   On September 1st, 1990 the then foreign minister of Turkey, Vafet Halefoglou, stated quite openly in the newspaper Milliyet that "Iran, Iraq and Turkey would never allow the establishment of a Kurdish state!"

   Each of the three allies, all mavericks in their own way yet united in the fight against the Kurdish nation, has thus carried out separate attempts to wipe out the Kurds. In March, 1988 the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, used chemical weapons in the region of Halepçe to wipe out 5,000 Kurds: women, children and the elderly were all victims of a hideous crime that went almost unnoticed by so-called "civilised" governments, which in other respects display sensitivity to such situations.

   On 13th July, 1990 Iranian "diplomats" held a top-secret meeting in Vienna with the leader of Iran's Democratic Kurdistan Party, Abdurrahman Quasimio, and his colleagues to discuss the autonomy of the Kurds in Iran. The Iranian "diplomats" suddenly assassinated the Kurds in cold blood, and the Austrian authorities, having arrested them, allowed them to go free under the pressure of the threatened occupation of the Austrian embassy in Tehran.

   The Kurdish nation, which today numbers approximately 30 million people, has survived despite the merciless, coordinated attacks by its oppressors. Half the Kurdish nation still manages to live in Kurdistan, which Turkey occupied by force and strength of arms. The "Kurdish Question" is gradually beginning to attract the attention of an increasing number of progressive European peoples, in contrast to the silent indifference shown by their governments.

   In Yugoslavia, the major powers created a number of new states populated by only a few hundred thousand citizens, because it served their interests to do so. The 30 million Kurds scattered in their homeland over three hostile countries, who have been caught up in bloody uprisings for at least a hundred years, do not, it would seem, carry enough weight on the cynical scales of expediency that govern the decisions taken by the major powers.

Western Thrace. Having completely ignored its obligations towards the Christians who stayed behind in Constantinople, Imvros and Tenedos and used "all possible means" to turn Greeks out of their homes, Turkey proceeded to exploit to the full the civilised nature of Greece, which instead of ridding itself of the Muslims living in its territory as Turkey had done with the Greeks, allowed the population to increase in conditions of total freedom - and this, despite being well aware that Kemal Ataturk had himself quite openly clarified Ankara's goals in the Misak-i Milli, the oath of the Young Turks which was taken during a secret session of the Turkish Parliament in January, 1920: "It is our aim that Western Thrace should remain in Turkish hands as a unified whole and that as soon as a suitable opportunity presents itself, it should be united with the Motherland. We shall not accept any expropriation of this Turkish region. Our brothers in Western Thrace must, as a first step, fight to gain the region's autonomy and independence."

   Celal Bayar, the butcher who had embarked on his macabre task in 1914 when the Young Turks sent him to Smyrna to eliminate the Greek population living there, and who went on to slaughter the Greeks and Armenians in the Pontus and Ionia, visited Komotini in 1952 as the president of the Turkish Republic, officially to "promote Greek-Turkish friendship". Unofficially, however, the purpose of his visit was to put into effect Turkey's latest plan to "turkify" the Muslim children living in Western Thrace through education and training. The aim was clear: to kill two birds with one stone by giving the Muslims who were not Turks a Turkish national consciousness, on the one hand, and on the other to set up agencies that would faithfully carry out Turkey's

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Leonidas Koumakis
A True Story

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