


Letter to U.S. Governors

Dear Governor,

The date of July 20, 1974 is a dark day for American citizens of Hellenic descent. On that day twentyeight years ago, the Republic of Cyprus was invaded by the forces of the Republic of Turkey.
Hellenes all over the world will be remembering the events that ocurred on this anniversary and in the days following.

Over 200,000 Greek Cypriots were ethnically cleansed from the occupied parts of Cyprus and over 5,000 were killed. To date, there are over 1,600 Greek Cypriots who are missing. A handful of the Greeks who were killed happened to be American citizens.

Hellenic Americans respectfully ask that you endorse a proclamation that will officially commemorate the events of July 20, 1974 in your state. Your support for this proclomation will show that Americans stand in solidarity with the long suffering people of Cyprus. We would be most appreciative if you would endorse our proclamation.

Thank you,


The anniversary of July 20 commemorated the anniversary of the illegal occupation of the Republic of Cyprus by the Army of the Republic of Turkey.

We ask legislatures to remember the brutal invasion and occupation of Cyprus by passing a resolution. We ask the legislatures to remember that 200,000 Greek Cypriots were ethnically cleansed from their homes because of their ethnicity.

We recall that in the days following the Turkish aggression in Cyprus, over 5,000 Greek Cypriots were killed. There are still over 1,600 missing Greek Cypriots to this day. Among the dead were a handful of Greek Americans who were vacationing in Cyprus in those dark days that followed the July 20 invasion.

We ask the legislature to remember that the suffering Cypriot Republic looks to the kindness of America and its people to help bring an end to the occupation of Cyprus. The suffering of the Cypriot people continues as a result of the importation of settlers into the occupied territories. Supporters of Cyprus appeal to America and to American officials to recognize the horrors that were perpetrated against Cyprus on July 20,1974 and in the days that followed.

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