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Dr. George Papavizas Letter to Senators


The Honorable Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
P .O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711

Dear Mr. Perry:

As a Greek Macedonian by birth, for which I am very proud, and an American citizen since my birth (my father served as a volunteer in the U.S. Army during World War I and became a citizen before my birth), I take the liberty to write to you asking that you support the state legislation regarding the Hellenic status of Macedonia.

As an historian and author, I can see how unnecessary it is to be forced to defend the well known historical truth about Macedonia’s and Alexander the Great’s Hellenism after so many books and articles have been written by reputable, respected world historians and archaeologists. The archaeological findings in Macedonia and all the way to Egypt and India where Alexander the Great went, including cities with Greek names, coins and statues with Greek inscriptions, letters written by simple Macedonian soldiers (one of them found recently in Egypt), architectural styles of temples, writings by ancient historians, all demonstrate the Hellenism of Macedonia. The marble statues and grave stones in two continents speak Greek! There is not a shred of evidence that a language other than Greek was spoken in Macedonia and in countries conquered by Alexander the Great.

Mount Olympus is in Macedonia, Greece. Would the Athenians, Spartans, and the other Greeks have their Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, etc) living on a mountain belonging to Macedonia if that province was not part of the Greek world? Would King Philip, Alexander’s father, had hired Greek instructors, including the famous philosopher, Aristotle, to educate his son?

Permit me to tell you, Mr Perry, why the Greeks, especially the Greek Macedonians, are so justifiably sensitive about the historical ignorance suggesting that Alexander the Great was not of Hellenic descent. I am one of them and I know why, despite the fact that I live in the U.S. for fifty years. My grandparents and countless generations before them in the village I was born, and in many villages and towns as far back as the Roman conquest of Macedonia, lived in Macedonia, always speaking Greek, always feeling as Greek Macedonians. If people who live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (previously known as Vardarska Banovina, Southern Serbia) speaking a Bulgarian dialect, are “Macedonians,” then what are the people who were born and/or live in Greek Macedonia for countless generations, speaking Greek? I feel strongly when someone who speaks Slavic or Bulgarian deprives me of my Greek Macedonian ethnicity. I become indignant when someone plagiarizes my Greek Macedonian name and steals my ethnic “Social Security Number.” I feel deprived of my age-old Hellenic identity when someone who migrated to the Balkans from the Volga River 900 years after Alexander’s death disputes my Hellenic Macedonian identity. And I feel doubly offended as an American citizen of Greek Macedonian descent when someone steals my name and offends the intelligence of the American people with respect to the historical knowledge on Macedonia.

Please permit me to quote a few lines from some of the most reputable historical sources on Macedonia:

The Great British Historian Nicholas Hammond wrote in his book The Genius of Alexander the Great: “In the opinion of the city-states [of Greece] these tribal states [the Macedonians] were backward and unworthy of the Greek name, although they spoke a dialect of the Greek language.” (page 11). Later, on page 100, he writes : “The cities [built by Alexander in Egypt and Asia] spread Greek skills in agriculture, land reclamation, and capitalism, and a knowledge of the Greek language, which was the official medium in all cities. The language, known as the koine (common), was based on the Attic (Athenian) dialect and modified by Alexander and his staff.”

Professor Peter Green, University of Texas, wrote in his book Alexander of Macedon: “In less than four years he [Philip, Alexander’s father] had transformed Macedonia from a backward and primitive kingdom to one of the most powerful states of the Greek world.” (page 32).

The historian Will Durant wrote in Volume II of his monumental twelve-Volume World History : “Now began those Hellenized Asiatic cities which were to be a vital part of the Seleucid (Alexander’s General) Empire. At the same time he [Alexander] drafted 30,000 Persian youth, had them educated on Greek lines, and taught them the Greek manual of war (page 548).

Webster’s New World Encyclopedia states about Macedonia: “Ancient region of Greece forming part of modern Greece...”

We would appreciate very much your support on this matter.

Respectfully Yours,

Dr. George C. Papavizas

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