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The Pan-Macedonian Association of the USA, in a duly convened meeting at its 56th Annual Convention held on June 26th to 30th, 2002 in Clearwater Florida, taken in consideration the most recent developments in the country of the FYROM, decided the following:

1. The Pan-Macedonian Association requests from the Greek Government, the Political leadership of Greece, and the International Community that the name of the country of the FYROM clearly differentiates the residents
of that country from us, the Macedonians.
2. The name Macedonia is undoubtedly an Historical and Cultural Heritage
of Greece. The History of Macedonia and particularly its name IS NOT NEGOTIABLE and as a paternal legacy cannot be given to third parties.
3. We expect that the name of the country of the FYROM shall express its multiethnic nature and shall permit all its inhabitants to co-exist peacefully.
4. The Pan-Macedonian Association of USA recommends the recognition of the country of the FYROM with the name of "CENTRAL BALKAN REPUBLIC" or "VARDARSKA REPUBLIC".
5. We will not accept, for the country of the FYROM, any name that will include the term MACEDONIA or any of its derivatives.
6. We demand that the people of Hellenic origin residing in the country of the FYROM, have the freedom to express themselves in issues of language, religion, education and cultural identity.
7. Those who call themselves Macedonians, are Hellenes.
8. Our Macedonian conscience and identity is not a matter of foreign policy under any stretch of its definition.
9. It is our Sacred Duty to continue our struggle for the rights of Macedonia. History demands it.




The Pan-Macedonian Association of the USA in a duly convened meeting at its 56th annual convention on June 26th to 30th, 2002, in Clearwater, Florida, declares the following:

1. We condemn the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01 in the USA and all terrorist acts
anywhere in the world.
2. We support the efforts for the success of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
3. We castigate the uneven, willful, and unfair treatment of occupied Cyprus
from the USA, European Union and NATO as compared to Kossovo. The use
of two different and conflicting standards in their treatment of these two issues is proof of the hypocrisy that governs their actions.
4. We support all the rights of our Northern Epirus Brethren. Their calls for assistance, protection and support have fallen on deaf ears. The terrorism and the illegal pressures laid upon them is against international law and violates their human rights.
5. The continuing Turkish provocations and demands for territorial concessions in the Aegean Sea, in plain violation of all International Laws and Conventions, demand the intervention of the United Nations and all these Turkish actions are condemned since they are against the current legal views on international relations.
6. We regard the continued discriminatory acts, rules and policy of Turkey towards the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, as a violation of freedom of religion and a hypocrisy of its claim to be a free country. In particular, the reopening of the Theological School of Halki, and the restoration of the property rights of the Hellenes of Constantinople should be accomplished.
7. We ask that the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople enjoys the same status as that of the Roman Catholic Church in the Vatican.
8. We support the just return of the Parthenon Marbles to the place of their origin.
9. We shall never accept an Orthodox Church with the term of "Macedonia" or its derivatives in its name.

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