The Hellenic discussion List is a forum for exchange of information about various subjects concerning Greece and Greeks at home or abroad. Please note that the Hellas List is not moderated or subject to censorship. Therefore, the sites that host the List and the owners of the List are not legally responsible for the personal opinions expressed in this discussion forum. The posting however via the bit.listserv.hellas newsgroup is moderated if the sender is not registered with Hellas. These mails are being sent through UseNet, and there are moderated by the HELLAS UseNet moderator. Discussions in HELLAS are in Greek with latin characters. Content is unrestricted. Flaming is extremely popular.
Registrations, cancelations and other server access commands
should be sent only to listserver:
with only one command line (subject is not required).
(Registrations from the UK should be sent to: LISTSERV@AMERICAN.EDU )
Here are some basic listserver commands:
To Register send the one liner | SUB HELLAS first_name last_name (For example: SUB HELLAS George Georgiou) |
To Cancel your subscription | SIGNOFF HELLAS |
To stop receiving mail temporarily | SET HELLAS NOMAIL |
To resume receiving mail | SET HELLAS MAIL |
To receive each day's mail in 1-2 files | SET HELLAS DIGEST |
To receive subject-line only once a day | SET HELLAS INDEX |
To get helpful listserv commands | HELP |
DIGEST option allows you to receive only 1-2 files each day (around midnight) which include ALL mails sent to the list since previous day. INDEX option is same as DIGEST but you receive only one file with ONLY the subject line of each e-mail posted. Then, if you see a subject you want, you REPLY to the server including in the body of the mail the subject line. Within a few seconds, the server will send you the complete body of the mail of the selected subject.
To post a message must substitute the word "LISTSERV" with "HELLAS" in the address. HELLAS@LISTS.PSU.EDU
Use the LISTSERV Easy Access to subscribe, or if you
are already a member, click your assigned server to issue a listserv command.
If you are already a member, use the POSTING Easy Access to send a mail.
For Personal Help:
If you have any questions about registration or any
other problems, please write to the Hellas Listowners:
Nikos George
(PSU & UGA listowner)
Eleftherios Hazapis
( listowner)
Thanos Voudouris
(HELLAS Webmaster)
HELLAS List Members' Web Pages.
according to Astera Amaliadas
Egw kai h Hellas, by Dr. George A. Themelis
Euxaristies kai ubreis, by Dr. Dimitra A. Mangoura
Exete kati a3iologo? Grapste mas!
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