and not to moderators.
The HEC Directors in turn will bring the matters to Executive Council, which is the ultimate HEC authority and the
sole responsible entity.
The moderators bear NO responsibility for such actions. All should be thankful to the moderators volunteers.
Lets ask our selves, why other volunteers do not come forward ro spend some of their time as moderators?
The statistics show extremely small participation of members posting. Why this very low turn out?
We have to try to find an answer to what that means. Is this an indication that the
subjects being discussed and how are being discussed turns people off from writing? Are people discouraged to go against
the established norm? Is it
the bashing of Greece and whoever governs? Is it because almost everything discussed
has a negative tone? Yes Greece is going through tough times right now
and that seem to drive most of the discussions, but there must be something positive and good out there to discuss.
Maybe we need to be thinking in terms of: is it something we can actually do to help our country other than political involvement?
These and many other questions have to be answered. Whatever the case might be, just imagine if we
had only a 10% participation discussing many other subjects of substance, and we were
actively working on projects like: Blue Skiestrying to build a Hellenic "Think Tank"
or Economic Growth Proposal
or other projects who have started but gone nowhere. There is definitely room for improvement.
One of the best proposals for the Forum so far is the one from professor Petros Groumpos, in which he
outlines very clearly the Five Steps Approach to Success
. He highlights "The Forum should stay away from all kind of politics - it has never
helped a generic Hellenic cause when politics start to interfere with our efforts".
Having said that, in this case, there will be no need for the kind of moderation we are
doing now, neither there will be accusations of censorship. I might add, that Prof.
Groumpos has not written again since then, about ten months ago.
Question yourself, why professor Groumpos and others who post some positive ideas, do not come back to
write and participate in discussions?
May be, one solution will be to establish a second Forum list for discussing non-partisan politics.
If the Forum is non-political in nature, the moderators' job then will be much easier.
In this case, all the moderators have to do is to add/remove members if they are asked to do so,
to filter spam, advertisements, and to interject their
thoughts into the Forum, either to start a useful thread of discussion or to intervene in
arguments. A disciplinary "NoPost" provision for a few days could apply for
members who violate the rules of the Forum or to diffuse situations not beneficial to the
members of the Forum. These disciplinary actions should be funneled through HEC's Executive
Other suggestions and ideas are always welcomed, and we will do the best we can through
the Executive Council of HEC to improve the Forum.
Now, going back to historical events, it is very relevant to how Forums interact,
volunteering and accomplishments of members. In early 1990s there was the beginning of
bringing the Greeks together via the Internet. The first NCSA Mosaic Internet browser came to life
about early 1994. Immediately thought to complement the Hellas Forum List with a website
(such page exists for the HEC Scholars Forum but almost no one using it but me).
In summer of 1994 with the participation of
many volunteers I started work in establishing the Hellas List website as an extension to
Hellas Forum List. On September 1994 I took the Hellas List webpage online with the help
of PhD candidate then Stefano Sidiropoulo who managed to host the site at Stanford U
computer lab. Hellas started with gathering and disseminating information, hosting other
organizations, organizing various projects as were becoming issues of discussions, and
provide the means of communication to help Hellenism. Soon the site was thriving with
hosting pages for other organizations, many visitors, several awards
and mentions in many magazines
and Greek newspapers . Hundreds of people were
registered on the Hellas site as well many Hellenic businesses. I was in
collaboration with other Hellas Forum members, as Stratos Safioleas who was running the
Diaspora website/newsletter, the "Enwsh Ellhnwn Xrhstwn Internet" (EEXI) Angelos
Haritsis, several Student Associations from universities around the world , the Cyprus website headed by
Panayioti Zaphiris and a group of students at U of MD, several Hellenic societies from
different cities, and many others (note: all of the Hellas projects were moved later under
HEC). The Hellas website primary server was at Stanford and was also mirrored at Surrey U.
in UK, Democritus U. of Thrace (DUTH) (professor Moses Boudourides), Hellas OnLine
(Antonis Yiannopoulos), Forthnet (Dimitris Zissiadis).
My vision, experience and initiative through the Hellas page to provide the means of
communication to Greeks of Diaspora, provide web page hosting to other Hellenic
organizations, to compile sources of information, to promote Hellenism through the
Internet, etc. was evident since 1994 on the Hellas website. Late 1994, the
"Stratologiko" was the hot subject of discussion on the Hellas Forum list
because of new laws and regulations were affecting people in Diaspora. As I noted earlier,
most of the Hellas members were students and scientists abroad, and had the need to know
what were the consequences at the time, if one wanted to return to Greece. The
"Stratologiko" project was born
with a lot of participation. The first and big task was to compile information on the
subject. I had contacted the "Ypourgeio Amynas" and the Embassy to get
information as well. People were posting via a form on the Hellas website their personal
questions, which eventually were sent to authorities to get answers. On June 1995 I also
had an Interview with Xrhstos Mplekas (Eley9erotypia) on the subject, which was published
in the "INFO" section of the newspaper. Later, the "Geniko Epiteleio
Ethnikhs Amynas" sent us a reply
In reality, the first Hellenic project conceived through an Internet website, was the
"Stratologiko" in 1994. A web form was created to collect questions from fellow
Greeks with the objective to send them to "Ypourgeio Amynas" requesting
responses. Soon thereafter, other projects started via the Hellas website as, the
"Worldwide Hellenic Students Association (WHSA)" with many University student
associations (see link above), "Learn Greek Through Internet", and others listed in the Hellas
original web page.
Through the Hellas Forum list I met another person, Mixalhs Kolios, PhD candidate then at University of Toronto CA.
Also members were professor Thanasis Episcopos, Stratos Safioleas, professor Nikos Provatas from Helsinki Finland(who started working on
the Romiosini project ) , archeologist Elizabeth Kosmetatou (Konstantinato
), Angie Tzouvelakos (Olympics project
) and others . The Hellas page was conceived and running at full speed long before HEC or Poseidon were
At some point in early 1995 Evangelos was coming on and off the Hellas Forum. He did
not know what myself, Safioleas and all others I have mentioned were doing back then for Greece, for Cyprus,
and Hellenism in Diaspora, and I do not think he liked the Hellas Forum much being a
businessman. Then, he stumbled upon my Hellenic Website, and he wrote asking me to help
him on his business website in NYC, which thereafter I listed it (Rigos Chartering) in the
Business section of Hellas
. We started exchanging emails and having a sailor background he wanted to work on a
project about Hellas and the Sea.
I had the experience to unite Hellenes through Internet and provide the means of
communications with my computer expertise and the Hellas website. Evangelos had the
experience in maritime subjects and he proven to be a good organizer in delegating tasks.
Our passion was to work for Hellenism and not for
personal gains. Michalhs also joined in our conversations at the very start.
The three of us collaborated and on 01-Mar-1995 we posted a call for volunteers for the
Poseidon project in the Hellas Forum and elsewhere. Does this sound familiar? Unlike the
HEC Scholars Forum projects, which they are starting and die with almost no participation,
the Poseidon project took off. The call for volunteers was signed as: the three
"Captains" of the project, Evangelos, Mihalhs, and myself. Thanasis joined as as
an "Officer" and all the volunteers as the "Crew". Volunteers started
pouring in from the Hellas Forum, signing in through the Hellas website. I placed a
Poseidon page under the Hellas website and our address marked a milestone of significant things to come.
(preserved here: )
Kolios, Episcopos, Rigos and I, started talking about expanding over Poseidon and what
Hellas had established, to create an umbrella organization for gathering and disseminating
information, hosting other organizations, provide the means of communication to help
Hellenism and creating more large projects promoting the Hellenic culture as Poseidon. On
03-Apr-1995, we leveraged the Poseidon project and made an announcement to the
"Crew", which by then had 51 volunteers,
and to the world about establishing a committee for the creation of a Hellenic Electronic
Center (HEC). I created the first ever HEC web page under the Hellas website, which is
preserved here: . Looking at this historical page we see all the
very first organizations endorsing the creation of HEC. What is significant and relevant to
this discussion is the fact that there is one common denominator: all people behind these
organizations (except one, Shipbrokers Association) were members of Hellas with whom I was
collaborating for long time in the past - our first supporters were all Hellas members:
"Diaspora" newsletter by Safiolea and Dikaiako, Yianopoulos, Koulogiannis, Boudourides, Zaphiris, Haritsis, Glenn, George.
Thereafter, all communications to Poseidon volunteers included both the HEC and the
Poseidon names. Naturally, both HEC and Poseidon were hosted under the Hellas site and we
continued using the Hellas List network promoting our cause, but without having our own
server or domain name. The Poseidon project volunteers were working in producing content,
while some of us, mainly Thanassis, Evangelos, Kolios, and myself were working in
promoting and gathering support for HEC.
On 03-Dec-1995, all four of us started working in writing the HEC bylaws . Episcopos really was doing most
of the writing with our support. Kolios left us soon thereafter at this early stage, but he is also
considered one of the four HEC co-founders. Episcopos eventually moved permanently back to Greece and
at some point around mid 2000s as a professor at the Economics U in Athens he did not have
the time he wanted to spend for HEC, so he resigned from his HEC Director duties.
On 23-Jan-1996 after completing our initial bylaws, the name "Hellenic Electronic
Center (HEC) Inc." was incorporated in the state of Delaware with the help of George
Righos (Evangelos' brother). . I should
note that George has been working with us since the beginning and much credit for pulling
through our tasks is due to him. Even though he has left us now, he is still working
diligently and runs the Odyssey Hellenic Charter School in Delaware.
With contacts in Forthnet and HelleasOnLine (HOL) arranged to have a website access for
us, while I was working to get the domain name. I worked with Zisiadi at Forthnet and he created the
required NS Resource Records in the DNS of Forthnet. Immediately I submitted the name registration
and the HEC's name was established on
Internet registry (Domain ID:D69095-LROR, Domain Name:GREECE.ORG, Created On: 03-May-1996
04:00:00 UTC) initially hosted in Forthnet
When the domain name became operational, we moved under the HEC domain the Hellas
website and its projects, and the Poseidon web pages, which at the time were under
development as all of us plus many other volunteers were working on that project. Poseidon
was the largest project we had to-date. Many volunteers had joined the Poseidon project,
and as HEC was evolving being the umbrella organization, naturally many of them were among
the first HEC members. Our goal was to have the Poseidon project content online and mostly
completed by Summer of 1996 targeting "Posidonia 96" maritime exhibit in
Piraeus. Evangelos with his connections in maritime world enabled us to obtain a booth at
Posidonia, and my connections to Internet world enabled us to work closely with our
friends at Forthnet and HOL, which were the main sponsors of our exhibit for providing
staff, computers and network connections. Our booth presentation was a great success
HEC and Poseidon (as a HEC project) was lunched 03-June-1996 during "Posidonia
1996" .
The connectivity from Forthnet to USA was troublesome sometimes. In 1997 we moved our
domain to my friend's Angelo Kostopoulos Internet business (Sysnet). Then we had to move
to some other location in Tennessee USA where another fellow Greek offered to host our
domain. This ended up being a big problem and we almost lost our domain name. Immediately
after that, we bought our own server and Sysnet offered us to host our domain and
co-locate our server in their facility. We are very grateful to Sysnet friends who since
then to present, they are providing this service for us.
On 07-Mar-1997 we submitted to IRS the final application as had been requested, for
Non-Profit, Non-Political organization status
. On April of 1997 IRS issued to us a Letter of Determination granting us our request
HEC's initial Proposal was written as per our plan. The plan
highlights what the Original HEC's objectives were, and still are. All objectives have in
common the need of an all volunteer force with people expressing their love for our
Hellenic culture and strong technical people to be able to achieve these goals.
HEC's goals are very well defined as you have seen in the links above and our website . The Scholars Forum as one of
HEC's projects is yet to reach even remotely its potential. HEC is here to help and
provide the means for the Forum members to communicate, collaborate, and work for the good
of Hellenism as per HEC's charter.
The Hellas Forum List members were instrumental for HEC.
It remains to be seen what the HEC Scholars Forum will accomplish.
HEC is an open platform to everyone for expressing their views and using it as
a tool for doing something tangible for Hellenism.
Thanos Voudouris
HEC co-founder and Director
Many thanks to the other three HEC co-founders (Thanasi Episcopos, Evangelo Rigos, Michali Kolios),
to all members of HEC's Executive Council who have served over the years (George Righos,
Nikos Provatas, Antonis Bouris, Dimitris Southerd, Chris Theoharis, Anna Lawless, Eleni
Bomis, Fotini Eleftheriadou, Stelios Manias, Nico Michael, Bill Gatzoulis, Ted Karakostas,
Thomae Kakouli-Duarte, Tom Papadopoulos),
to distinguished friends for their help ( Antonis Yiannopoulos, Dimitris Zisiadis,
Angelo Haritsis, Lefteris Hazapis, Nikos George, Panayiotis Zaphiri, Stratos Safioleas, Moses Boudouridis,
Elizabeth Kosmetatou, Vasilis Papavassilou, Kostas Gavrinas, Yiannis Tambouras, Eva Prionas, Labrini Thoma,
George Michalopoulos),
and the hundreds of volunteers who helped us through this journey since 1995.