Indirect Topics
Items related to crises of values
- Nation Vanishing issues and recommendations to reinstall (e.g. εθνομηδενισμός με αλλαγή ονόματος στα υπουργεία Παιδείας και Άμυνας)
- Language change (ancient Hellenic philosophers are misinterpreted by those scholars who do not understand the Hellenic language) resulting in problems related to economic growth.
- Change in tradition (filotimo, filoxenia, materialism, laikismos, leveling of all values), problems and recommendations
- Ethical items (corruption, bribing, rousfeti, vanity to get government posts), influence to economic growth, recommendations
- Philosophical themes, reunification of philosophy with sciences, scientific documentation of wrong and right, human error, virtue as a midway – variance) Recommendations on changes
- Education as to develop a healthy mind, a means to higher productivity innovations, training to develop skills, change bad habits, recommendations.
- Self and Society: Wisdom of the Ages; Greediness, Nihilism