The Hellenic Electronic Center operates under the leadership of the Executive Council (EC) Board members:
- Thanos Voudouris – Director, USA
- Anna Lawless – Director, UK
- Eleni Bomis, Canada
- Gus Stamatis, Greece
- Stelios Manias, USA
- Nico Michael, South Africa
- Mario Chinas, Cyprus
HEC Board Meetings are held via the Internet* the 2nd Saturday every month at noon EST (-3 PDT, +5 UK, +67SA, +7 GR & CY) The outcome of the Meeting is binding and final |
- HEC Administration:
- Board Meeting Minutes (text/audio-video):
- Working documents:
Meeting: 12-Mar-2022 12:00 PM – 01:30 PM EDT
- Open agenda
Participants: Thanos Voudouris, Stelios Manias, Nico Michael, Eleni Bomis
Offline: Gus Stamatis, Mario Chinas, Anna Lawless
Meeting Minutes
- Nico proposed for all of us to try participating in every monthly meetings. He requested Username/pwd for the WP site. The meeting should be hosted in rotation with the people who can hosted.
- Agreed to set up a workshop online training for WP publishing.
- We must be more active. I proposed to write at least one article each week and publish it on the website, then post it on fb.
- The article should be something about a current event or some cultural or historical subject.
- Article title should be proposed and written on the schedule
- We agreed to setup a schedule for each one of us in writing the article.
- At least one image should be included.
Action Items
- Thanos – schedule for articles
- Thanos, Anna, Gus – Arrange WP workshop
- Gus – Create a WP account for all members of EC