Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού – meeting
27 August, 2009
Vassiliki, Thanos and Evangelos met with Ms. Elena Korka at the Ministry of Culture. The meeting was around introducing what we plan to do and get familiar with the Ministry activities around the Parthenon Marbles and general rules of engagement. We gave a presentation and details about the HEC Marbles project and discussed how we can help the Ministry efforts of repatriation of the Marbles.
IN addition, we discussed several other subjects related to other projects by the Ministry. One was the excavations in Kechries and other places where funding is required to proceed with operations.
Ms. Korka supplied us with many brochures and books with detailed information on the Parthenon Marbles.
The meeting was very informative and in the spirit of cooperation. It lasted two and a half hours.