
By , April 19, 2013 2:23 pm

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Ευχαριστούμε πολύ όλες και όλους τους Εθελοντές για αυτήν την πολύ συμαντική εργασία.
Many Thanks to our volunteers for this important work.
Σοφία Γιαννιώτη, Αθανασία Δανέλλη, Κική Μουστακίδου, Eleni Angelomatis-Tsougarakis, Betty Hood, Αντώνιος Ανδρεάτος, Gus Stamatis, Nick Kontodimos, Kate H (Katerina), Nikos Balalas, Νικόλαος Παπαπαναγιώτου, Popi Panagiotoglou, Yiannis Argyropoulos, Ioanna Evangelidou, Ελενα Χατζηκυριάκου, Adonis K. Moschovakis, Πέννυ Καλομπράτσου, Αναστασία Σαπουνά, Mermigas Eleftherios, Nikolas Koskoros, John Kontos, Marilena Franghiadis, Stella Tsirka, Aristotle Michopoulos, Demosthenes Konstantatos, Maria Kranidioti, Stella Tsirka, Aristotle Michopoulos, Euripidies Mousikos, Athanasios Tzioubaras, Dimitra Tzigianni, Louisa Tsougaraki.

We still have work ahead of us, PLEASE VOLUNTEER!

* Έκκληση για εθελοντές * Το Ελληνικό Ηλεκτρονικό Κέντρο και οι εθελοντές μας που εργαζόμαστε για τις γερμανικές επανορθώσεις έχουμε ένα έγγραφο 150 σελίδων από το 1946 που θέλουμε να το αναρτήσουμε στην ιστοσελιδα. Η ποιότητα δεν είναι καλη, και θα θέλαμε να το πληκτρολογήσουμε ξανά ολόκληρο το έγγραφο. Αν θα θέλατε να εργαστείτε εθελοντικά και να αναλάβετε μια-δυο σελίδες για την πλητρολόγηση, παρακαλώ γράψτε μου: thanos@greece.org Εδώ είναι ένα δείγμα από τα γεγονότα σε αυτόν το έγγραφο. Πληκτρολόγηση πρέπει να γίνει με πολυτονική γραμματοσειρά και keyboard. Μετατροπή στα Αγγλικα δεν είναι υπχρεωτική αν δεν μπορείτε. *CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS* The Hellenic Electronic Center and our volunteers working on this WWII German Reparations project working in publishing a 150-page document dated 1946. The quality is shown by its age, therefore we would like to re-type the entire document. If you would like to volunteer in taking over a couple of pages to re-type, please let me know at thanos@greece.org Here is a sample of one of the events cataloged in this document, and sample of the work that needs to be done

NOTE: We tried several OCR programs but the polytonic text and the quality of the document produce very bad OCR results.

What is needed:
a) re-typed in Greek polytonic (see instructions below)
b) translation in English
Instructions: The objective of the translation is to be as much accurate as possible in depicting the meaning of each sentence. Preserving the syntax of the original Greek may not be possible, therefore we should use a more pleasant and flowing English text with potentially different syntax and sentence structure as required.
We will have the text lined-up next to each other (Greek | English) trying to keep each paragraph in unison. You can enter blank lines as required so each paragraph starts at the same height.

Instruction for polytonic Greek:
When you use MSWord to type, use Palatino Monotype or Tahoma font

Installing the classical Greek keyboard (Windows XP)

  1. Click Start button
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Regional & Language Options (depending on your desktop settings, you may need to select Date, Time, Language and Regional Options in the Pick a category window, then select Regional & Language Options)
  4. Select Languages tab in the dialog box
  5. Click the Details button
  6. Text Services and Input Languages dialog box should now be open –
  7. in the Installed Services area click the Add button
  8. Add Input Language dialog box should now be open – select Greek in the Input language drop-down slot
  9. In the Keyboard layout/IME drop-down slot, select Greek Polytonic
  10. Click the OK button for the Add Input Language dialog box
  11. In the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, click the Language Bar button to open the Language Bar Settings dialog box
  12. Place a check mark in the check box next to Show Language bar on the desktop
  13. Close all dialog boxes by clicking their OK buttons. Your computer should now have the Greek Keyboard installed in addition to the English Keyboard.

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