This is a project about the WW-II German reparations to Greece.
We request the German government to honor its long-overdue obligations to Greece by repaying the forcibly obtained WW-II occupation loan, and by paying war reparations proportional to the material damages, atrocities and plundering committed by the German war machinery (Petition).
CONTACT The Team. Comments or questions are welcome:
Sample of your comments are displayed below:
We request the German government to honor its long-overdue obligations to Greece by repaying the forcibly obtained WW-II occupation loan, and by paying war reparations proportional to the material damages, atrocities and plundering committed by the German war machinery.
if the German people wants from Greece to be equal in the EC , THEY MUST FIRST PAY THEIR DEBTS TO GREECE.
From: erato t.
we still suffer the cosequences of their atrocities in so many levels…
From: Yannis M.
The usurious country of Germany owes more to Greece than Greece and her people,without their consent or benefit,are now being forced to pay to Germany.
From: Spyridon P.
Germany, a pillar of Western civilisation throughout the centuries, should once more be in the forefront of those states who do not hesitate to shoulder their responsibilities for actions that had been perpetrated in the past by people with a radically different system of values. Therefore, I appeal –not governed by feelings of hatred or revenge for the unravelling turmoil in the Eurozone– to the German nation and state to rectify this historical injustice, since the German people have proven so far that they possess the capacity to stand up to the challenges of their history. I call upon you to assume this moral rather than financial compensation towards the Greek people and state.
Greek never forget WW-II! Europe is alive cause of the heroes of Greece.
From: Georgios K.
Μεγάλωσα στην παραλία Διστόμου/ Άσπρα Σπίτια, και η για το λόγο αυτό η προσπάθεια τούτη έχει ακόμα περισσότερο βάρος στην αντίληψή μου.
Σας ευχαριστώ για την πρωτοβουλία από καρδιάς.
Παρακαλώ πολύ να σκεφθείτε εάν επιθυμείτε να μεταφραστούν τα βασικά κείμενα του ιστότοπου στα Ισπανικά, προκειμένω να ενημερωθούν και οι Ισπανοί σχετικά με αυτή την προσπάθεια, δεδομένου πως νομίζω θα στησρίξουν την προσπάθειά μας.
Μεταφράζοντας το κείμενο θα υπάρχει δυνατότητα κατανόησης από πληθώρα ανθρώπων που δεν γνωρίζουν καλά ξένες γλώσσες.
παραμένω στη διάθεσή σας και μπορώ να αναλάβω τη μετάφραση.
From: Nick C.
My family suffered from the German occupancy in the 1940’s and today Germany should pay.
The German people wants from Greece to be equal in the EC , THEY MUST FIRST PAY THEIR DEBTS TO GREECE.
From: Stephanie Wilson
My father was a NewZealand escaped POW on Crete, given shelter by a Cretean family and aided them with the effort to disrupt the invasion of Crete. One evening, the Germans came to take the families cooking pots for the soldiers and he was discovered. The Germans marched the family off at gunpoint, he asked what would happen to them and was told to his horror, they would be shot.
My dad was sent back to prison and after the war returned to New Zealand. Years later at age 90 he returned with my brother to Ampelouzos, where he discovered the family had not been shot and were still living there, sadly the lady had passed away just 6 years earlier, but her son Manolis was there, a very happy day for my dad when he learned the family had not been shot and to meet the son of the lady. I regard Manoli as a brother, for without the family looking after my dad, I may not be here today. One day I hope to visit Ampelouzos and meet my Cretean ‘family’.
My fathers name was Joe Wilson.
kind regards
Stephanie Wilson